
R2SEP Meeting 1: Being Visible through Your Research Publication

Fri, 16 Oct 2020
5:10 pm
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ITS Global Engagement was back holding an annual event, Researcher and Research Student Enrichment Program (R2SEP). The first R2SEP topic was “Being Visible through Your Research Publication,” held on 1 October 2020 via a zoom platform. It was delivered by Prof. Chew Tin Lee from Universitas Teknologi Malaysia and Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari, Ph.D. from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember as moderator. There was a total of 211 participants from ITS and UTeM. The show was started at 3.30 pm and ended at 05.30 pm. There were four main topics about Research Profile delivered by the speaker, publication, citation (h-index), editorial, and review.

The event was opened with a welcome speech delivered by Associate Professor Maria Anityasari Ph. D. as Director of ITS Global Engagement, followed by introducing the speaker forwarded to the topic explaining by the speaker. After that, continue by Question and Answer session. The participants may ask the question through a google form, and the moderator would read the question, and then the speaker could answer the question mentioned.

After a lively discussion, we invited the participants to do a fun game related to the show’s topic. We gained many participants from ITS and other universities. The enthusiast of the participants during the event was so high because they followed every session so well. The committee also provided merchandise as a reward for the participants who achieved the highest Kahoot games score.

R2SEP ended by taking pictures of the speaker and participants, followed by a closing speech from the master ceremony and giving a speaker a certificate. We hope that the participants can enrich their insight about research to contribute more to real life.

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