Our Community Outreach

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember strives to contribute to quality education through several inbound and outbound lecturer & student mobility programs, such as Global Learning Program and Guest Lecture Series program. In efforts to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both programs also invites international guests lecturers to be able to share and discuss SDGs implementation based on each speaker’s expertise.

This support will be implemented in a form of one session of sharing about SDGs, alongside with guest lectures session.
This brings all guest lecturers an opportunity to enrich their teaching portfolio in delivering SDGs practice, in their respective countries, in context to their respective expertise, to broader & more diverse audiences.

ITS collaborates with Forum Penyelarasan Pendidikan dengan Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Industri (Larasdikdudi) / Alignment of Education with the World of Business and Industry Forum, to share the awareness about SDGs to several universities and schools in Surabaya and Sidoarjo, bringing them together toward world class universities.

Volunteers in Action (ViA)

ITS Global Engagement was invited by Politeknik Negeri Lampung (POLINELA) on May 29, 2024 for giving a workshop related to the strengthening internationalization at the Indonesian university. There were 5 ITS Global Engagement team who gave the session, including the Director of ITS Global Engagement, Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari, Harris, Meilisa, and two volunteers, Hanif and Rana who acted as the representative of Volunteers in Action (ViA) program.

The Volunteers in Action Program (ViA) is one of ITS Global Engagement commitments to share the knowledges and best experience of ITS internationalization program to the Indonesian partner universities’ board management, faculty members, staff, and also students. The topic can be varied from how to formulate a good strategy of internationalization, establishing and maintaining partnership, enhancing international mobility, and how to empower students as volunteers.

ITS Global Engagement was invited by UIN Raden Intan Lampung on May 30-31, 2024 for giving a workshop related to the strengthening internationalization at the Indonesian university. There were 5 ITS Global Engagement team who gave the session, including the Director of ITS Global Engagement, Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari, Harris, Meilisa, and two volunteers, Hanif and Rana who acted as the representative of Volunteers in Action (ViA) program.

The Volunteers in Action Program (ViA) is one of ITS Global Engagement commitments to share the knowledges and best experience of ITS internationalization program to the Indonesian partner universities’ board management, faculty members, staff, and also students. The topic can be varied from how to formulate a good strategy of internationalization, establishing and maintaining partnership, enhancing international mobility, and how to empower students as volunteers.

The Volunteers in Action Program (ViA) is one of ITS Global Engagement commitments to share the knowledges and best experience of ITS internationalization program to the Indonesian partner universities’ board management, faculty members, staff, and also students. The topic can be varied from how to formulate a good strategy of internationalization, establishing and maintaining partnership, enhancing international mobility, and how to empower students as volunteers.

During Joint Cultural Camp, the volunteers who accompanied ITS International Students got chance to share about their volunteering experience in related to the internationalization program at ITS. Those host universities are:

  1. Krida Wacana Christian University, Jakarta
  2. Kudus Muria University, Kudus – Central of Java
  3. Islamic State University (UIN) KH Abdurrahman Wahid, Pekalongan – Central of Java
  4. Institute of Technology Kalimantan, Balikpapan
  5. Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe – Aceh