
In the current management of ITS Global Engagement (ITS GE), ITS GE also recruits students to take part in the process of accelerating internationalization at ITS, which is called ITS Global Engagement volunteers. There are four divisions in the volunteer of ITS GE, namely Internationalization and Development, Hospitality for International Students, Media and Information Division, and World Class University.

Aryasatya Bagus Ardiyanto

ITS Global Engagement Volunteer Coordinator

Viola Adyansa Ramadhani

Coordinator of Hospitality for International Students Division

Hilmy Septian Nursyekha

Vice-Coordinator of Hospitality for International Students Division

Kirana Syarifa Aini

Coordinator of Internationalization & Development Division

Marcello Ezra Andilolo Lubis

Coordinator of Media & Information Division

Graciella Angelina Putri

Vice-Coordinator of Media & Information Division

Gladys Akiko Gonta

Coordinator of World Class University Division

Adam Pradipta

Vice-Coordinator of World Class University Division

Hospitality for International Students Division

Every semester, students from all over the world come to ITS. Especially during the pre-arrival and the first days in Indonesia, students have to gather as much information as possible on the city, the university, enrollments, exams, paperwork, accommodation, complicated forms, etc.

Here at ITS we facilitate what we call ‘Buddies’ for each ITS International Student. To assist the beginning of university studies and everyday life, especially at ITS, Hospitality for International Students Division provides; ‘the friendly face’, helping hands, and the first Indonesian friendship for new arrivals. Buddies also offer support, cultural guidance, and information about life at ITS.

With every unexpected turn university life took, Buddies introduce ITS International Students to life in Indonesia and acquaints our local Indonesian students with other cultures through personal interaction in an atmosphere of mutual respect. With the idea that we can all learn from one another, Buddies are ready to facilitate activities that can strengthen the ties between ITS International Students and ITS students.

Internationalization & Development Division

Driven by internationalization spirit and the vision of ITS to become World Class University, Internationalization & Development (ID) Division exists to assist the establishment of Internationalization atmosphere in ITS. ID Division keeps striving to help ITS students so they are able to face global challenges.

Main responsibilities of ID Division are spreading internationalization spirit and sharing global competencies & knowledge to ITS students in the forms of workshops, sharing sessions and mapping. In addition, volunteers of ID Division also assist excursions from universities overseas, update the information about study abroad opportunities and share them to ITS students.

Media & Information Division

Acting as the frontline of internationalization in ITS through a virtual platform, Media & Information (Medfo) Division exists to deliver the information about internationalization in ITS, such as information about scholarship and study abroad opportunities.

Not only managing the information flow for ITS Students in virtual platform, Medfo Division also exists to design the face and publication of many ITS IO events. Medfo Division is not always about publication; designing merchandise and taking pictures and videos of many ITS IO events are also two main responsibilities of Medfo Division. Name anything from your hobby: photography, cinematography, graphic design, writing, and website development then you are ready to be part of Medfo Division.

World Class University Division

In order to uphold ITS’ vision to become a World Class University, monitoring the progress of ITS’ rankings is necessary. Thus, the World Class University (WCU) division is created. With the responsibility of assisting and monitoring ITS’ ranking in various higher education ranking publications, especially in QS and Times Higher Education, the WCU division is there to do such tasks.

Besides monitoring ITS’ rank in various higher education ranking publications, the WCU division is also responsible for promoting United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The WCU division represents ITS Global Engagement to spread awareness regarding SDGs to ITS students by intensively creating high-quality relationships with the student organization to help implement the SDGs in their department.