Dear ITS Students, Kumamoto University Japan would like to offer you A semester exchange
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan offered a Short Term Exchange
Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań Poland would like to inform you that the
Dear ITS Students, University of Malaga, Spain is calling for mobility through the Erasmus+
Asia University, Taiwan opens a student exchange program for Spring Semester 2025 intake (February
Dear all, An extra Call for Exchange Proposals within our DAAD funded programme "IPID4all
National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) would like to inform you that the registration for semester exchange
Dear ITS Students, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China has opened the registration for the International
We are pleased to announce the result of "STAGE 3: OUTING" Open Recruitment of