Greetings from ITS Surabaya! CommTECH is an opportunity for university students, academics, and professionals from
Department of Civil Infrastructure under Vocational School ITS present the 1st International Conference of
Dear ITS Students, there will be a presentation session about 'Study in Germany' from
“I think Humanitarian Affairs UK has created such a wonderful platform for you
Continuing the success of 2012 to 2016 Community and Technological (CommTECH) Camp, ITS International
Dear ITS Students, the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC) has invited
About TEEP: in 2015, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education launched the Taiwan Experience Education Program
Dear ITS Students, We are happy to inform you that School of Marine Sciences
Dear ITS Students, Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan feat Universidade Nova De Lisboa
Call of mobilities at Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK through the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme has