Gyeongsang National University (GNU), South Korea would like to inform you that the registration
Dear ITS Students, Greetings from Kumamoto University. We are pleased to inform you that
Dankook University, South Korea would like to inform you that the registration for semester exchange
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT) Thammasat University, Thailand opens application for "Short Term Internship
Kumoh National Institute of Technology (KIT) would like to inform you that the registration
Dear ITS Students, Student exchange program of Faculty/Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan offered a Short Term Exchange
Dear ITS Students, About COIL/VE Project Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is one method
Chung Ang University (CAU) would like to inform you that the registration for
National Cheng Kung University Taiwan, Department of Industrial Information Management, Institute of Information Management,