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In order to provide an international learning environment for students of the ITS International Undergraduate Program, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember hosts an international guest lecture series called Global Learning Program (GLP). GLP is organized by ITS Global Engagement in collaboration with the ITS Directorate of Education and the course instructors of the IUP classes. This program is aimed towards students of IUP classes, specifically in first year general subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, and also undergraduate senior-level subjects such as Technopreneurship. The guest lecture is delivered by international professors and experts from different countries to offer an international learning experience for the students, to enhance their insight, and practice the English skills.
In the Fall Semester 2020/2021 we had 13 speakers from various countries and partner universities deliver online guest lectures in this GLP program to more than 600 students at ITS, and we also hosted three speakers who delivered physical guest lectures at ITS earlier in the year right before the pandemic.
The GLP guest lectures for the Fall semester of 2020/2021 was conducted using an online meeting platform where the guest speaker directly delivers the lecture to the students in the virtual class interactively. In each of these lectures, the corresponding ITS lecturer of the class becomes the moderator who guides the session and asks the participation of the students for questions directed to the speaker. Topics of the guest lectures delivered by the visiting guest lecturer varies according to the class subject. In general, however, the topics are aimed towards giving a general overview and basic understanding of the subject, and also additional insights on the application of the subjects that may be encountered by the students in the future.
The schedule of this online GLP follows the class schedule set by the ITS Directorate of Education. Due to the large number of IUP classes for the same subject that are scheduled in different hours of the day, several of the guest lecture sessions are conducted asynchronously. Recordings of the guest lectures that were delivered previously in a synchronous online class is played in the asynchronous classes, directed by the ITS lecturer as course instructor.
For the online GLP in Fall Semester 2020/2021, 13 international visiting professors delivers guest lectures synchronously and interactively, mainly during the second and third week of the semester at ITS Surabaya. For Chemistry, Prof. Liu Jhy-Chern (NTUST, Taiwan) and Dr. Hoo Peng Yong (UniMAP, Malaysia) are the speakers. For Mathematics, the guest lecturers are Prof. Guisheng Zhai (Shibaura Institute of Technology, SIT, Japan), M. Syifaul Mufid (University of Oxford, UK), Prof. Katsuhisa Ozaki (SIT, Japan), M. Iqbal (NTUST, Taiwan), and Prof. Hadi Susanto (University of Essex, UK & Khalifa University, UAE). For Physics, guest lectures are delivered by Prof. Igor Bray (Curtin University, Australia), and Dr. Chu-En Lin (Asia Power Laser Maker, Ltd, Taiwan). For English, the guest lecturers are Prof. Yinghuei Chen (Asia University, Taiwan), and Emil Junnine Cid (Bukidnon State University, Philippines). For Technopreneurship, Prof. Torbjörn Nordling (NCKU, Taiwan, & Umeå University, Swedia) delivered three sessions of online guest lectures for the ITS regular class.
Participation and response from students were positive. Participation from partner universities came from seven different countries, mostly in the Asia Pacific region as well as UK.
Number of student participants from (International Undergraduate Program) IUP classes for various subjects running the GLP guest lecture sessions.
Before the pandemic started, we have managed to run several GLP sessions in the Spring Semester 2019/2020, below here are some memorable pictures from the guest lectures.
Here are some screenshots from the GLP guest lecture session held online in the Fall Semester of 2020/2021.
Please have a look at some of our students’ testimony on this GLP experience.
If you are interested in participating in this program as a guest speaker, please visit for more details and for registering your expression of interest.
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