Courses in English

Indonesian Credit System (SKS)

The Description of sks
(1) 1 (one) sks in the forms of lectures, response and tutorials include:
a. 50 (fifty) minutes face-to-face learning activities per week per semester
b. 50 (fifty) minutes structured learning per week per semester
c. 60 (sixty) minutes private learning per week per semester

(2) 1 (one) sks in the forms of seminars or other learning activities include:
a. 100 (one hundred) minutes face-to-face learning activities per week per semester
b. 60 (sixty) minutes private learning per week per semester

(3) 1 (one) sks in the forms of practicum, studio practice, workshop practice, research, community service and/or other learning activities is equivalent to 160 (one hundred and sixty) minutes per week per semester.


The credit equivalence between SKS (Indonesian credits system) and ECTS (European Credits Transfer System), may refer to the following calculation formulation: 


1 SKS = 1.7 ECTS  


i.e. to calculate 3 SKS (common SKS quantity per courses)

ECTS = 3 SKS x 1.7

ECTS = 5,1

i.e. to calculate 30 ECTS

SKS = 30 ECTS / 1.7

SKS = 18


Maximum SKS for Bachelor program is 21 SKS

Maximum SKS for Master program is 15 SKS




ITS follows the GPA Grading System as follow:

*Passing grade is C

List Courses in English
