Postdoctoral research is scholarly research conducted by a person who has recently completed doctoral studies. It is intended to further deepen expertise in a specialist subject. Postdoctoral research is often considered essential to acquiring advanced training for the trainee while advancing the scholarly mission of the host laboratory and/or institution. It is expected to produce relevant publications accordingly. Postdoctoral research may be funded through an appointment with a salary or an appointment with a stipend or sponsorship award.
Please contact for further information.
Partial Doctoral Fellowship or ‘Sandwich Doctorate’, is a Postgraduate PhD program offered by some research institutions in collaboration with a (generally foreign) research institution. In such a program, the PhD student initiates his PhD in his own country, usually taking classes and defining a problem. The second phase, varying from a few months to one or more years, takes the student to carry out research in the foreign institution. The third phase finds the student back in his home country to finish his studies and present his thesis/dissertation.
Please contact for further information. The scholarship for this program is also available. Please open in “Beasiswa Luar Negeri” to check the availability of the scholarship.
The Programs of Academic Recharging (PAR A, B, and C) are customized programs designed to provide Indonesian university administrators, professors, senior lecturers, and lecturers who hold doctoral degrees with extended periods of professional development study abroad. Through this program is expected that the lecturers and senior professors who have been doing routine tasks have the opportunity to refresh his (recharging) of scientific, academic qualifications and motivation through short delivery to the various universities or research institutions abroad. The program goals also include strengthening ongoing linkages among overseas university and Indonesian universities, developing collaborative degree and exchange programs, preparing articles and books for publication, and planning or conducting joint research.
PAR A is a 14-day program for university administrators to design collaborative graduate programming. PAR B is a four-month program for professors and senior lecturers to develop teaching/learning materials, to begin or finish writing a book in progress, or to develop a research proposal or an international paper. PAR C is a four-month program for lecturers with earned doctoral degrees to plan or conduct joint research with partner university professors or prepare a paper for international publication.
For information about PAR scholarships, please click here.
For further details about the program, please click here.