In achieving the vision to be a world-class research university, ITS continuously encourages and provides capacity building programs for its stakeholders. One of the signature programs initiated in 2015 is English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) Training for ITS academic staff.
From 2015 until 2019, almost 300 academic staff have participated in the EMI Training in which inviting native facilitators from the British Council. The purpose of this program is to upgrade the English communication skills of ITS academic staff to be able to give full-lectures in English and to learn new methodologies to provide class in English effectively.
In 2021, ITS works closely with the Virtual English Language Fellow (VELF) program initiated by U.S. Embassy in running virtual EMI Training for ITS academic staff. Learning the fact that ITS has International Undergraduate Program in which the first year is fundamental to learn basic science, English, and nationalism courses, the training will later focus on improving how the lecturers deliver the course.