It might be challenging to begin a new semester in a new campus. Be at ease! You will learn how to perform well and the things you might encounter during your study at ITS during orientation week. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek guidance during orientation week. The more you engage with the activities and sessions, the better prepared you’ll be for a successful and rewarding semester at ITS.
Along with our nearby international students, we will introduce you to our campus from the faculties to the facilities! Therefore, you won’t have to be concerned about getting lost. During the tour, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and get more information about campus life, extracurricular activities, and support services available to students. We want you to feel fully prepared and confident as you start your academic journey with us.
We will show you around the city so you can become familiar with Surabaya as you can point out the areas you might want to explore next along the way. This city tour will teach you a lot of information about this charming city, helping you to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of your new home. By the end of the tour, you’ll feel more connected to the city and more confident navigating its streets and neighborhoods.
Expanding your exploration of Indonesia! You are required to spend several days in the local community of your origin. Taste the cuisines of the region, experience the warmth of an Indonesian family, and gain a profound understanding of its arts and cultures.
“Sports always unite us” is a vision brought into this event. International students at ITS may come from different countries and experience similar challenges in starting the journey in Surabaya. Sports day become one of a platform to make a new friend, share laugh and love, also to gain a heathier mind and physics. Some most interested sports are badminton, volley ball, basket ball, and also futsal/mini soccer.
Find cross-cultural experiences through international culture and educational activities interaction between international students and local students. International students share about cultural experiences and their country as well. This event will let you to explore new things about a world-wide diverse cultures.
Explore the hidden gems of beautiful places while taking part in an adventure program designed to introduce international students to East Java. This trip presents an opportunity to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone as you will have the chance to try new activities and make unforgettable memories. Don’t miss out on this incredible experience!
Make your exchange beyond than an exchange program. Share happiness and positive impact to the community to make them a great memories of your presence in Indonesia
Everything with a beginning as an end, but before that, let’s celebrate our accomplishment throughout semesters with a joyful farewell party. It is not a Good Bye, but it is a See You Soon!
Pesona Indonesia Dance is a performance that combines the beauty and diversity of dances from various regions in Indonesia. This dance shows the richness of culture, ethnicity and race in the archipelago. In a harmonious combination, this dance depicts a message of unity, diversity and pride in the natural beauty and culture of Indonesia. These dancers are coming from our dearest Darmasiswa Students, which are Sia Esther Kamanda (Sierra Leone), Li Jiahui (China), Hoang Huy Ho (Vietnam), dan Rasolonjatovo Faniry Fanilo Fanantenana Valisoa Fihobiana (Madagascar) and our dearest KNB Students, which are Majdi Hassan Mohammed Saleh Adam (Sudan), Shaban Lubanga (Uganda), Arslan Murtaza (Pakistan), Amelework Firomsa Wakuma (Ethiopia), Innocent Mhone (Malawi). Let’s immerse yourself in Indonesia’s traditional culture with us, ITS!