Here the list of CommTECH Online Program in 2022 for Spring Edition
- Sub Course A: Internet of Things for Smart City Applications during the Pandemic
This course will be held on 17– 28 January 2022, start on 09.00 AM (GMT +7, Surabaya Zone Time)
Internet of things, or IoT, has the potential to unlock possibilities that were unthinkable in the past. Combined with technologies such as telecommunications, big data, and machine learning, IoT is set to have significant impact in many areas, such as health, transportation, smart city, agriculture, and many more. Due to the current pandemic situation, the use of IoT technology has been forecasted to further increase. In this CommTECH Course 2022 Online Edition, we will cover the three main parts of an IoT system, namely the sensor or node device, the communications network and protocol, and the web service. Participants will work in groups and be guided to have hands-on experience, with the minimum requirements of a mobile phone and computer to build prototypes and proof of concepts. In this course, we will see how IoT technology can be applied in a smart city application and combined with machine learning as a supporting technology during the pandemic.
Instructor Coordinator: Astria Nur Irfansyah, Ph.D
Syllabus: Sub Course A Syllabus
Deadline registration for sub course A: 31 December
- Sub Course B: Course Title: Cognitive Ergonomics: Fundamentals & Applications
This course will be held on 17– 28 January 2022, start on 09.00 AM (GMT +7, Surabaya Zone Time)
Cognitive aspects determine the effectiveness of human interaction with other elements in a system, particularly in processing input from a display or information. Therefore, cognitive factors need to be considered in designing work systems to avoid mistakes in carrying out a work procedure. This course is designed to explain the fundamentals of the human cognitive process from perception to actions. Furthermore, we will discuss the contemporary cognitive ergonomics applications, such as human-computer interaction, human reliability, designing an effective interface, cognitive process evaluation, and UI/UX evaluations.
Instructor Coordinator: Ratna Sari Dewi, Ph.D
Syllabus: Sub Course B Syllabus
Deadline registration for sub course B: 31 December
- Sub Course C: Zero Waste Stores: A Way to Combat Plastics
This course will be held on 7 – 18 February 2022, start on 03.00 PM (GMT +7, Surabaya Zone Time)
In the last decade, the issues on plastics have caused serious concern all over the world. Many efforts have been made to reduce the amount of plastic waste, especially for packaging. One of those efforts is the emerging of stores that removes packaging from end customers. This effort is commonly known as Zero-Waste Store. It is a store that sells goods in bulk and encourages customers to bring containers to take their products home.
In this edition, participants will learn the business process of Zero Waste Store (ZWS) in different countries and explore the implementation of ZWS in their own country. Furthermore, three aspects of ZWS implementation will be discussed, including people’s willingness to shop in a ZWS, Life Cycle Management (LCM), and the use of technologies to enhance the ZWS success.
This course is designed for undergraduate students from various fields who want to learn new knowledge and methods in business process, statistics, and system design. Participants will also have great opportunities to develop soft skills and cross-cultural understanding, as they will work in a group to have hands-on experiences including conducting survey, reviewing scientific resources, generating ideas, and analyzing the ideas. In addition to that, participants will have opportunities to experience different cultures in the fun activities designed especially for online learning.
Instructor Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Anityasari, S.T., ME
Syllabus: Sub Course C Syllabus
Deadline registration for sub course C: 17 January 2022
- Sub Course D: Exploring Indonesian Creative Design and Culture
This course will be held on 7 – 18 February 2022, start on 03.00 PM (GMT +7, Surabaya Zone Time)
Indonesia is a pluralistic country consisting of various ethnic groups, customs, races, cultures and religions. Culture itself is a characteristic of every ethnic group in Indonesia. It is this diversity that gives rise to various traditional toys, food, textiles, clothing, textiles, and other craft products. Commtech Online Edition: Exploring Indonesian Creative Design and Culture invites you to focus on the rich culture of East Java through craft, textile and design. In this course program, participants will have experience in deeper understanding Indonesian culture through Creative Thinking steps, Design 101, Design Thinking. and others learning tool which are applied to daily objects. By better understanding the rich culture of Indonesia through design you will broaden perspective, able to think critically, to apply design thinking in solving problems that will be faced and develop a better community in the future.
Instructor Coordinator: Hertina Susandari, ST, MT
Syllabus: Sub Course D syllabus
Deadline registration for sub course D: 17 January 2022
Only active lecturers, non-academic staffs & active bachelor, master & doctoral students from any background are eligible for this program.
Indonesian students are not allowed to apply to CommTECH Course Online Edition. However, International Students who currently study at Indonesia & the previous CommTECH Camp Participants are allowed to apply to CommTECH Course Online Edition
The fee for this program is USD 200 ( USD 175 for ITS Partner University). The fee will covers certificate, credit letter, module and ITS/Indonesia souvenir.
How to register in this program?
Please fill the application form –> (2022) CommTECH Online Spring Edition Form
Please completed your application form with documents below:
- scanned of passport/citizen ID
- scanned of students/staff ID
- Close up photo with plain background and please don’t wear glassed at your photo
Please kindly send your applications to and cc to it would be great if you can cc your international office email at your home university
For further information, you may also get the update of our program through:
- Facebook:
- Instagram: commtech.its
- Tiktok: commtech_its_surabaya
- YouTube channel: ITS International Office
Mr. Muh. Wahyu Islami PM, S.T. / Mr. Rachmat Winardiansyah
ITS Global Engagement
ITS Surabaya – Indonesia
Rectorate Building 1st Floor
Campus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Telp/Fax : +62-31-5923411
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