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On Monday, May 8 2023 at the A Theater Building. Dean of the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology, Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama, S.T., M.T. Together with several other lecturer colleagues, they received a visit from SMA N 3 Denpasar, with a group of 210 students and 12 accompanying teachers. The campus visit to the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology aims to provide information to students about the Departments in the FT-EIC environment, new student admission pathways , scholarships and advantages possessed by ITS, especially the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology
Not only that, the Dean of FT-EIC also explained the achievements and achievements of ITS. As is known, ITS excels and is also active in activities related to robotics and has also succeeded in producing a functional robot “RAISA” which functions to minimize contact between medical personnel and Covid-19 patients. And also the ITS Robotics UKM which has won various national and even international competitions.
“When it comes to robots, there are no other universities that can compete with ITS. The ITS robot team has often been contested, so for example competitions, the manufacturing process can be fast, and also the quality of the students has been proven and even succeeded in winning international competitions,” said the Dean of FT-EIC .
After the presentation given, the event continued with a question and answer session between the lecturers and also students. The questions asked varied, such as the learning process implemented on campus, technical lectures and administrative techniques as well as the various entry pathways offered.
Lecturer in the Department of Naval Architecture, Dr. I. Made Ariana, S.T., M.T. who was also present at the venue added that all the majors offered by ITS have a qualified level of collaboration when compared to other universities in Indonesia, “If you join the Robotics UKM at ITS, don’t be surprised if for example later you will meet many people with different backgrounds, because if we want to make a technology, ITS is a champion of collaboration. Starting from the technician, the designer, to the programming algorithm. This will enable ITS students to have broad knowledge.” He explained
Made Prema Putri Ratmayanti and Ni Putu Meita, students of SMAN 3 Denpasar who shared their impressions of the campus visit said, “It was very influential, and there was also a lot of information that I didn’t know so I know and am even more impressed with ITS, and also because it is engaged in the field of technology. And compared to other universities, ITS technology is really cool,” said Prema
“My expectations at ITS really match the reality that I am currently seeing. Incidentally, I also want to major in engineering and what I see on the internet regarding achievements and also the ITS campus environment is really the same and also interesting to me. and also feel how it will be if the lecturer teaches it”. continued Meita
It is hoped that this activity will have an impact as well as benefits for students who have the goal of registering at ITS. In addition, ITS can of course make this visit an alternative to explore more interests and talents possessed by students so that in the future they can continue their studies at this hero campus. . In addition, through this activity students can also feel the atmosphere in the lecture area
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