Experience more on Pusat Studi Teknologi Pertahanan


The Internet of Thing (IoT) and Defense Technology (TP) reseacrh center or Puslit IoTTP for short was founded in 2020 as an answer to the challenges of today’s industry 4.0. Actually, research on IoT and TP has been widely carried out and developed by researchers  at ITS. Previously, IoT research was coordinated in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Robotics Center under LPPM ITS, while defense technology research was coordinated in other LPPM Research Centers.

The IoTTP Research Center is uite uniue because it develops 2 scientific fields, namely IoT and TP. This is based on research, development, and IoT Applications. Likewise with research, development, testing and evalution in the field of Defense and Security.Currently the IoTTP Research Center is under the Directorate of Resarch and Community Service (DRPM) of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) to become a forum for development of research activitites, collaboration, and science, and technology services in the field of IoT and TP is multidiciplinary because both can be applied wide range and require the synergy of various sciences. Currently, the IoTTP Research Center has collaborated with various Research Centes and R&D institutions, educational institutions, and industry. 


Play an active role in the development of science and technology, especially in the fields of Internet of Things (IoT) and Defense Technology (TP) in national and international scope


Carry out research and community service activities in the field of IoTTP in the national and international scope.

Building research and publication collaboration in the IoTTP field with national and international partners.

Opening and providing consultiong services in solving problems in the IoTTP field.

Formulating strategic and technical thoughts and policies in the IoTTP field


  • 2024
    IoT : Public Sector Priority, Security, Manufacturing.

    Defense Technology : Priority for sea and air dimensions, Priority for weapons systems, rockets, explosives, and Development of a social system for supporting defense and security based on local culture that is gender-oriented and social inclusion

  • 2023
    IoT : Public Sector Priority, Security, Manufacturing.

    Defense Technology: Priority for naval and air dimensions, Priority for rockets, explosives, and development of defense resources.

  • 2022
    IoT: Priority for the Public Sector, Defense, and Transportation.

    Defense Technology: Priority for land, sea and air forces, Priority for rockets, explosives, and development of defense resources.

  • 2021
    IoT: Priority for the Public Sector, Defense, and Transportation.

    Defense Technology: Priority for land and sea dimensions, Priority for weapons systems, rockets, Development of Command, Control, Communication, Computing, Integration, Observation and Reconnaissance (K4IPP) products, especially radar, communication tools, and satellites.

  • 2020
    IoT : Public Sector Priority, Manufacturing.

    Defense Technology: Priority for land and sea partners, Priority for rocket weapons systems, Development of Command, Control, Communications, Computing Integration, Observation and Reconnaissance (K4IPP) products, especially radar, communication tools and satellites




Industrial Automation System and IoT Frangible Bullet Line


Ranpur Mechanism
STETO-PHONE : Low Cost IoT Based ond Stethoscope


Frangible Bullet Vector FRN Alpha


Early Warning System
VIBIO : Self Therapy for Toddler with Speech Delay


Certification N-219 (Civil) and CN 235 FTB (Gunship)


Underwater Noise Monitoring
elBicare Cough Analyzer


Scorpene Class Submarine




Dr. Eng. Dhany Arifianto, S.T., M.Eng.

Dr. Widyastuti, S.Si., M.Si.

Prof. Drs. Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno, MSc., Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, Ph.D.


Smart Object and Sensor

Focusing on the development of smart objects and sensors which are equipped with positioning and communication technology and can be integrated into IoT

Network of Things

Focusing on developing internet networking that can be used and connected continuously.

Data Processing

Where in it will focus on Device Connection, Data Sensing, Communication, Data Analytics, Data Value, and Human Value

Teknologi Pendukung Daya Gerak

Focusing on developing tools that support locomotion in various areas

Teknologi Pendukung Daya Gempur

Focus on developing tools that support combat and attack power

Teknologi Pendukung Hankam

Berfokus pada pengembangan teknologi untuk pertahanan dan keamanan nasional


Lembaga Penerbangan Antariksa Nasional

PT Pindad


Balitbang AL

Indosat Ooredo


Kemeterian Pertahanan Indonesia

Balitbang AU


PT PAL Indonesia

Badan Keamanan Laut (Bakamla) Republik Indonesia

Balitbang AD


PT Dirgantara Indonesia

Telkom Indonesia

Universitas Pertahanan RI