
Quantum Entanglement: Physics and Its Application in Quantum Computing Seminar

Thu, 13 Oct 2022
5:45 am

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In the moment of NOBEL PRIZE 2022
Awarded to Alain Aspect – John F. Clauser – Anton Zeilinger for Experiment with Entangled Photons, Establishing the Violation of Bell Inequalities, and Pioneering Quantum Information Science

ITS Quantum Computing together with the ITS Physics Department and the ITS IoTTP Research Center holds a seminar on Quantum Entanglement: Physics and Its Application in Quantum Computing which will be held on:
️ Friday, October 14, 2022
13.30 – 16.00 WIB
Hybrid: Theater B ITS Surabaya campus, Zoom Meeting

Source person
Prof. Agus Purwanto, D.Sc.
ITS Physics Department

Dr. Dhany Arifianto, S.T., M.Eng.
ITS IoTTP Research Center

Dr. rer. grout. Bintoro Anang Subagyo
ITS Physics Department

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For further information, please contact CP at 082330286752

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