
IoTTP Research Center Innovation Products Present at the TENNOVEX 2022 Exhibition

Fri, 16 Dec 2022
10:51 am

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Figure 1. IoTTP Research Center’s Booth

In commemoration of the 62nd Anniversary, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) is holding a technology innovation exhibition titled TENNOVEX 2022 at the Atrium Grand City Surabaya. This exhibition was held to promote the innovative works of the ITS academic community which have been successfully implemented in people’s lives.

Many ITS research products are exhibited here, where these ITS innovation products are ready to be mass-produced to answer problems in society. These products include the BANGKITS e-Trail, an electric trail motorbike used in the mountainous area of ​​Puncak Jaya Wijaya, Papua. There are also red and white DIGITS tablets, which are educational tablets that are used for underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost (3T) regions of Indonesia. Not to forget, the GESITS electric motorbike and the i-Car autonomous car, which is a smart car without a driver that has served routes within the ITS campus and other routes.

Not only that, the IoTTP Research Center also comes with various innovations on display. Among them are Frangible Bullet, ARMITS Bulletproof Vest, Level 2 Tip Nose Cone Sonde, RX-550 Rocket Nozzle, Warship Anti-Radar Material, and Auto Morse, as well as electro-encephalography (EEG).

Figure 2. Presentation about Frangible Bullet by IoTTP Research Center

Apart from that, the IoTTP research center also had the opportunity to do a demo-day, where representatives from the IoTTP research center, namely Wafiq and Ninik, explained about their superior innovation product, the Frangible Bullet, on the TENNOVEX 2022 main stage. Here is shown the background of the research innovation, advantages, and product form of the Frangible Bullet.

The exhibition which lasted for 6 days (November 8 – November 13) successfully attracted many visitors to visit TENNOVEX 2022. Especially at the IoTTP Research Center booth, where many visitors came from the general public who were enthusiastic about asking questions about the innovative products we were exhibiting. Hopefully, with this exhibition, the public can find out about superior innovative products created by the ITS academic community and researchers will be more motivated to make innovations that can be useful for the wider community.

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