
ITS IoTTP Research Center Innovation Products Appear at the Defense Research and Development Exhibition

Fri, 16 Dec 2022
7:14 am

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Figure 1. Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense) Marsdya TNI Donny Ermawan Taufanto visiting the ITS booth

Defense Technology Products from IoTTP took part in the Libanghan Indonesia 2022 Exhibition which was held on 11-12 August 2022 yesterday. The products exhibited by this ITS representative are Automorse, ARMITS Bulletproof Vest, Warship Antiradar Material, Frangible Bullet, Shell Quality Control Tester, Two-level Sonde Rocket Nose Cone Tip, and RX-550 Rocket Nozzle. The products on display were initiated by Ms. Widyastuti as deputy head of the IoTTP Research Center and lecturer in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering.

The first superior product is a Frangible Bullet projectile of 9×19 millimeter caliber. This projectile has special properties, namely reducing the occurrence of ricochet, anti-backsplash, and limited penetration. The bullet projectile will disintegrate into small particles like powder when it hits the target and an impact occurs. Apart from that, a 5.56 mm caliber QC casing is also used to check the quality and suitability of bullet dimensions to comply with existing standards.

Figure 2. Booth ITS in Defense Research and Development Exhibition

Next is the Automorse, which is a tool used for sending Morse code between warships. Automorse will send Morse messages precisely and quickly supported by the Internet of Things (IoT). This Automorse has specifications for encryption mode, anti-cyber attack, automatic Morse code sending, 98 percent reading accuracy, tempo setting, multisource Morse, ultra-low power management, 2.4 gigahertz frequency, 54 megabits per second data rate, 80 milliamperes, and 2.2 ~ 3.6 volts.

Apart from that, for the defense of warships there is also Antiradar Material. This innovation is used as a coating and material for sea and air. This antiradar material is made from PMCs. This coating material uses the Dallenbach, Salisbury screen, and Jauman methods with a thickness variation of 2 – 10 millimeters and has an anti-radar absorption capability of -12, -22, and -21.5 decibels.

Still in the realm of advanced defense, ITS Researchers also make bulletproof vests called Armor ITS (ARMITS), which are bulletproof vests based on composite materials as a substitute for armor plates. ARMITS is made from Polymer Matrix Composite (PMCs) composite materials with reinforced particle engineering. Where the material used is carbon fiber combined with SiC and other materials. So that the strength is high.

Figure 3. products displayed at the exhibition

Finally, the IoTTP Research Center is also engaged in the space sector by making a Two-level Sonde Rocket Tip nose cone and RX-550 Rocket Nozzle. The nose cone tip is made of a material that does not interfere with telemetry but has high temperature resistance. While the rocket nozzle is a rocket with a diameter of 550 millimeters and a length of 6 meters and is a refinement of the previous rocket, namely the RX-420. The two products are the result of collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN).

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