Irvan Trisapta Permana, a student of DTMI at the Faculty of Vocational Studies, experiences studying in Malaysia through IISMAVO 2022.
A portrait of Irvan Trisapta Permana, a student of the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (DTMI) at ITS, in front of the UTM mosque
In 2022, the Ministry of Education and Culture launched the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards for Vocational Studies Edition (IISMAVO). This program provides the opportunity for D3 and D4 vocational students to study in industries or overseas universities for 4-6 months, and is funded by the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP). IISMAVO aims to encourage Indonesian vocational students to participate in mobility programs at various top universities abroad. Through this program, students are expected to improve their skills, knowledge and international networking. Students who receive IISMAVO scholarships can take one semester of study abroad in an industry/partner campus of the Ministry of Education and Culture that is equivalent to 20 credits at the campus where they are pursuing their education.
Irvan Trisapta Permana, who is called Tris, has the opportunity to study at the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) after successfully passing the selection and becoming an awardee of the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards for Vocational Studies Edition (IISMAVO) in 2022. Tris shares his story about preparing for IISMAVO and his experiences studying at the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM).
The Faculty of Engineering Building, UTM Malaysia.
It turns out Tris was not encouraged by his closest people, because at that time the IISMAVO program had just been issued. “Actually, the main reason for joining IISMAVO is International Exposure, to get experience in an International Environment in academic or social fields,” Tris said.
Tris began preparing his documents to participate in the online administrative selection on the IISMAVO official website, such as essays and recommendation letters from the campus, preparing the English Proficiency Test (EPT), conducting interviews, and preparing all necessary requirements to go abroad, such as a Visa. Preparing the administrative documents took about 1 month before registration opened.
Tris also shared his experiences on the learning conditions in UTM, Malaysia. “The learning atmosphere is felt, in my opinion, if you want to join IISMAVO the main intention is academic, it’s highly recommended here. The learning is more relaxed, and there are many group projects. The output I want from this IISMAVO program personally is a new, more open way of learning and more possibilities,” he said.
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