
WhatsApp Image 2022-05-17 at 08.32.31

Latest News

  • Basic Scientific Writing Training of Information Technology Student

    Starting from 5th of October 2018, all ITS Information Technology Department students have participated in the Basic Scientific Writing

    20 Oct 2018
  • Young Generation Creates: Information Technology Department Students Prove Themselves by Carving Out Achievements at the GEMASTIK Event!

    Proud! Information Technology Department students have succeeded in carving out brilliant achievements at the National Student Exhibition in Information

    28 Sep 2024
  • The Use of AI in Scientific Paper Creation: Driving Innovation and Efficiency.

    Along with the rapid development of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is now starting to penetrate various fields, including in

    25 Sep 2024
  • The Department of Information Technology received a visit from SMA Pembangunan Jaya 2 Sidoarjo

    On September 18, 2024, the Information Technology Department received a visit from SMA Pembangunan Jaya 2, attended by 40

    20 Sep 2024
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