
ITS Information Technology Department Graduation Procession, 127th Graduation

Mon, 20 Mar 2023
9:29 am

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Oleh : Hatma Suryotrisongko   |

The November 18th Institute of Technology (ITS) again held a Graduation procession at the ITS Indoor Futsal Sports Building (GOR), Saturday & Sunday, March 18-19 2023. The graduation this time was also inseparable from the best graduates, Bachelor of Information Technology Department

Appreciation was also given to graduates of the 127th Graduation Information Technology Department. DANIEL EVAN YUDHIPUTRA, TJIOE, held the best graduate in the first place. LAMBANG AKBAR WIJAYADI is in second place, and NAUFAL APRILIAN MARSA MAHENDRA is in third place.


With a symbolic event as the best graduate at the 127th Graduation Ceremony of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Daniel Evan Yudhiputra, Tjioe from the Information Technology Department successfully graduated with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.89. Submission of certificates and a tumpeng-cutting procession as a symbol of the best graduation graduates in the Information Technology Department. The procession of symbolically handing over ITS graduates to the Head of the Information Technology Department Dr.techn. Ir. Raden Venantius Hari Ginardi, M.Sc.


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