
Young Generation Creates: Information Technology Department Students Prove Themselves by Carving Out Achievements at the GEMASTIK Event!

Sat, 28 Sep 2024
12:11 pm

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Oleh : Hatma Suryotrisongko   |

Proud! Information Technology Department students have succeeded in carving out brilliant achievements at the National Student Exhibition in Information and Communication Technology (GEMASTIK), a prestigious national competition in the field of Information and Communication Technology organized by the National Achievement Center under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. This year, GEMASTIK XVI was held with the theme “ICT for Indonesia Rising Towards a Better National Life”.

At the GEMASTIK XVI event, three students from the Information Technology Department, namely Muhammad Afif, Dwiyasa Nakula, and Michael Wayne, who are members of the Go Gangster Team, won the Gold Medal in the Smart City Division. Meanwhile, Muhammad Azril Fathoni from the HCS Team – kos0ng Fans Club won the Bronze Medal in the Cyber ​​Security Division. Information Technology Department students not only brought home gold and bronze medals from the GEMASTIK event, but also managed to advance to the finalist stage. The Cyber ​​Security Division finalist is Nathan Kho Pancras. Then, the Smart City Division Finalists are Naufan Zaki Luqmanulhakim, Mochamad Zidan Hadipratama, and Steven Figo.

This proud achievement shows the quality and creativity of ITS Information Technology Department students in the field of Information and Communication Technology. On Friday, September 27, 2024, the Information Technology Department celebrated the extraordinary achievements of its students by holding a thanksgiving, after successfully bringing home gold medals, bronze medals, and becoming finalists in the GEMASTIK XVI event. All lecturers and academics of the Information Technology Department appreciate the hard work and dedication shown by the students, and hope that this achievement will motivate future generations to continue to excel and develop their best potential.

This moment of thanksgiving is not just a celebration, but also an opportunity for students to share experiences and inspiration, and serves to strengthen the sense of togetherness and solidarity among the academic community. Congratulations on this impressive achievement!

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