
Submission of Work Program of Candidates for Head of Information Technology Department for the period 2025-2029

Fri, 29 Nov 2024
10:25 am

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Oleh : Hatma Suryotrisongko   |

On November 28, 2024, the Information Technology Department held an oration event for the election of the Head of Information Technology Department at Tower 2 Building, 11th Floor, Auditorium, there are two candidates for the Head of Information Technology Department, Dr. Tech. Ir Raden Venantius Hari Ginardi M.Sc, and. Dr. Ir. Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas. S.Kom, M.Kom. and assisted by moderator Mr. Fuad.

The two candidates for Head of Department will deliver material on the achievements of the work program, and Vision and Mission, the first session of the candidate for Head of Information Technology Department Dr. Ir. Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas. S.Kom, M.Kom, delivered the future work program of the Information Technology Department for the next 5 years, starting from academics, student affairs, student associations, TKK, and laboratories. After the campaign oration session of the candidate for the Information Technology Department Dr. Ir. Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas. S.Kom, M.Kom. continued by Dr. Tech. Ir Raden Venantius Hari Ginardi M.Sc, the delivery of the work program for the first 5 years to the next vision, mission, achievements, and achievements of the superior accreditation of the Department of Information Technology, the event continued until the Q&A session for the Student audience participants.

The Student audiences wanted to convey the work program for collaboration between the Student Association and the Department of Information Technology, for example, events and student achievements, starting from recruitment to candidacy, the entire Information Technology academic community wants to work together to make this event a success. This proves that all academic communities are harmonious in choosing their leaders.

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