
Information Security Workshop SMKI ISO/IEC 27001:2022 System and ISO/IEC 27002:2022 Controls

Fri, 06 Dec 2024
1:59 pm

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December 5, 2024 Thursday the Department of Information Technology held an Information Security Management System (SMKI) workshop in the Audotorium Hall brought by Arief Syawaladi from the QSCert Indonesia Team, the first session was opened by the Head of the Faculty Dr. Ketut Edi Purnama. ST.MT and continued by the Head of the Department of Information Technology as the chairman of the event Dr.techn. Raden Venantius Hari Ginardi, M.Sc.

The second session of the event was filled with material on the introduction of ISO SMKI 27002: 2022 by IT Expert QS Cert Audit SMKI Arief Syawaldi, the material discussed the need for the application of the Information Security Management System with ISO27001 in Indonesia has begun to be felt by organizations or companies that run their business processes with the support of information technology. In fact, in certain industries, the obligation to implement SMKI is a requirement to operate in Indonesia, for example: the obligation of online banking transaction actors to have an SMKI that has been audited by related parties. In general, the banking world is obliged to implement SMKI as their commitment to stakeholders that digital transactions take place safely.

Workshop participants were followed by students, lecturers, and IT experts, participants were very enthusiastic about following the ISO27001 SMKI workhsop material The ISO / IEC 27001-based SMKI standard does not require a specific information security control, because the required security controls can vary according to the needs of the organization that will implement it. Companies or organizations are allowed to adopt ISO/IEC 27001 by selecting specific information security controls for the implementation of an IMS. In general, the implementation of an Information Security Management System based on ISO27001: 2013 with reference to the management concept of PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACTION

After the material program, the participants took part in a training workshop to obtain certification, tasks in the form of the main tasks of planning and designing an SMKI. The implementation order is the development of commitments, policies, controls, procedures, work instructions, and others in order to create an SMKI according to the needs of the organization. At the planning stage is to create some document information needed as a basis for implementing SMKI, the participants are carried out in both Lab and Classroom classrooms.



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