
History of Department

Department of Information Technology is a department under the Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Information Technology ITS (ELECTICS) which has main competencies in the fields of Cyber ​​Security (Cyber ​​Security), Internet of Things (IoT), and Smart City. This department was established due to the lack of cybersecurity workforce in Indonesia and also complements two of ITS’ five leading fields, namely ICT and robotics. The department also contributes to natural science and technology.

The establishment of the Information Technology Department of FTEIC ITS was pioneered by lecturers from Informatics Engineering and Information Systems. Based on the Decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018 NO. 31/SK/BAN-PT/Min-Akred/S/I/2018 approved the establishment of Information Technology on January 24, 2018. The first batch of students from this Department was accepted on August 13th, 2018 with a total of 45 students. At that time, the information technology department was located on the 6th floor of the ITS library building, ITS Sukolilo Campus. Head of Information Technology department, Ir. Khakim Ghozali M.MT revealed that in 2018 students were mentored by instructors with a total of 6 lecturers who had qualifications of 2 people with doctoral degrees and 4 people with master degrees. Student learning is equipped with classroom facilities, libraries, support rooms, and laboratories. In mid-2019 the Information Technology department had 4 classrooms, 1 laboratory, Administration room, Association room, Lecturer room, and Head of Department room.

At the beginning of 2019, the Department of Information Technology has one laboratory namely the Smart City and Cyber Security Laboratory (KCKS) which has expertise in the field of Smart Cities and Cyber Security. With the combination of these two skills, the KCKS Laboratory is able to realize the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) and Internet of Things (IoT) technology by paying attention to network security. The facilities in this laboratory include computers, projectors and screens, LED TV, and an Admin Room.

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