Vision and Mission

Department Vision

The Vision of the Department of Information Technology is to become the leader of an information technology study program with an international reputation, contributing to science and humanity.

Department Missions

The Missions of the Department of Information Technology encompass education, research, and community service (Tri Dharma of higher education), as follows:

  1. Delivering education and teaching in Information Technology with an adaptive curriculum and forward-looking orientation, supported by qualified human resources and adequate facilities.
  2. Conducting high-quality research in Cybersecurity, System Integration and Cloud Computing Services, also Internet of Things for Smart City.
  3. Establishing partnerships with institutions both domestically and internationally.
  4. Engaging in community service through training, counseling, and the application of research results to support the development and empowerment of local communities.

Department Objectives

The Objectives of the Department of Information Technology are:

  1. Equipping graduates with expertise in Cybersecurity, System Integration and Cloud Computing Services, also Internet of Things for Smart City, each supported by a certification program, thereby fostering independence to compete at the national level.
  2. Conducting research and publishing in national and international journals.
  3. Participating actively in information technology activities at both the national and international levels.
  4. Contributing to improving the quality of life in society through community service activities.

The Vision of the Information Technology Study Program

The Vision of the Information Technology Study Program is to graduate individuals who are excellent at the national level, capable of competing internationally, and contribute to society in the field of Information Technology, particularly in the competencies of Cybersecurity, System Integration and Cloud Computing Services, also Internet of Things for Smart City.

The Objectives of the Information Technology Study Program

  1. PL-1: Equipping graduates with the competencies to become administrators, including computer system, network, and database administrators.
  2. PL-2: Equipping graduates with the competencies to become developers, including software application, web, and system developers.
  3. PL-3: Equipping graduates with the competencies to become analysts, including cybersecurity and computer system analysts.
  4. PL-4: Equipping graduates with the competencies to become researchers in the fields of expertise in Cybersecurity, System Integration and Cloud Computing Services, also Internet of Things for Smart City.
  5. PL-5: Equipping graduates with the competencies to implement and maintain an information system.
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