
Meaningful Footsteps in Asia University with Widyantari Febiyanti

Wed, 07 Jul 2021
5:36 pm

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A happy smile radiated so beautifully from a 2018 student of ITS Information Technology Department, Widyantari Febiyanti, who managed to qualify as one of the ITS delegates to take a part in the 2019 Asia University Summer Program. The 2019 Asia University Summer Program is a form of collaboration between Asia University and ITS in terms of a short-term student exchange program in Taiwan. This program took place during July 16th – 29th, 2019 to strengthen the foreign relations with some universities and offers the opportunity for ITS students to study and hone their soft skills.

Step by step of 2019 Asia University Program’s selection was followed by Widyantari Febiyanti with great enthusiasm. The first step is administrative selection, which includes:

  • Transcripts (Min. GPA 2,50)
  • EFL/TOEFL Certificate (Min. Score 477)
  • Active Student Certificate
  • Passport
  • Motivation Letter
  • Recommendation Letter

Not stopping at the first step, she was declared to have passed and moved to the second step, namely interview selection. After following all the steps, Asia University evaluates the selection results and announces who has successfully passed along with the qualifications of the course which they will undergo at Asia University. Widyantari Febiyanti was also declared to have passed and was ready to undergo a student exchange program to Asia University in the “Artificial Intelligence” course.

During the student exchange program at Asia University, students in this program not only learn the field of their courses. Widyantari Febiyanti said, “In addition to studying the field of our courses, we also learn about Chinese culture and there are days where we do a study excursion by visiting some companies implementing Artificial Intelligence in it. Not only that, but we also visited some exhibitions and traveled to tourist attractions in Taichung, Taiwan, and surrounding areas.

A small gift containing a very valuable message for the readers of this news from Widyantari Febiyanti, “Don’t hesitate to always try. We never know what we will face in the future if we don’t try. Don’t force yourself to always fit in society! Try to break free! Spread your wings, try something new! Remember you’re the best version of yourself, so you don’t have to be worry and try everything!”.

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