Career Prospects

Career Prospects

Don’t fret, as graduates of ITS Information Technology department, you’ll have an opportunity for a career in companies as well as entrepreneurship. Here are some examples of the work as a graduate of our department:

A Software Developer must understand various programming languages, this is because the Software Developer job will have an important role in the development and development of software (software).

System Analyst is a job that focuses on analyzing, designing and implementing systems activities. The main skills needed to become a System Analyst are the ability to analyze information and communiacate well.

Being a Network Administrator will play an important role in maintaining and monitoring computer networks, both hardware (hardware) and software (software).

IT Consultants work to provide advice and suggestion to clients in the use of technology so that the company’s business goals or client problems can be met and resolved.

The development of the internet that is getting faster makes cloud storage or often known as cloud computing increasingly popular. Job trends will also change over time, as will the emergence of Cloud Architect jobs. For those who have an interest in the cloud environment, becoming a Cloud Architect is the most appropriate answer. The focus of the work of Cloud Architect is on the planning and designing side of the cloud environment. This includes cloud adoption plans, cloud application design, and cloud management and monitoring.

As an IT Support Analyst, you will have the responsibility of providing technical arrangements, support, and advice to information technology users with the aim that they can improve and perfect the technology.

Computer Forensic Investigator is a branch of forensic science that deals with legal evidence that can be found on storage media and digital computers.

Database becomes very important for an agency or organization. This is because the database is a collection of information stored on a computer. To manage a database, it takes someone who can manage the data, namely the database administrator. The job of a database administrator includes database design, maintenance, and repair of a database.

The prospect of information technology work has a great opportunity to become a network engineer. It is because network infrastructure is always necessary at all times in building communication between users. The job of a network engineer is to plan, design, manage, manage, and solve network problems.

Internet development can never be separated from a website, whether individuals, groups, organizations or a company. To design a website that has a great display and interface for the user, it takes a web designer (Web Designer). Web designers have to design a website that is attractive and easy to use by users. The job of the web designer will be collaborating with the Front End Web Developer in technical matters, and working with the UX Researcher in handling the user experience of a website.

The job of a security analyst is to detect and prevent cyber threats to companies. This includes planning, implementation, risk analysis, internal and external audits, to the coordination of security plans with third parties.

A security architect takes part in implementing and overseeing the security of the company’s computer network. The responsibility of this job is to design, conduct research, and develop the company’s security architecture.

Security engineer is a mid-level position in charge of building and maintaining a company’s security system. Sometimes, they have to install firewalls, test security, develop automation scripts to track incidents, or test the security of the company’s network.

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