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The Enthusiasm of SMK 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya Students During Their Visit to ITS’ Department of Information Technology
Surabaya, IT Journalistic — On Friday (21/02), SMK 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya conducted an educational visit to the Department of Information Technology at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This visit was attended by 12th-grade students from the Software Engineering (RPL) program, accompanied by their teachers.
According to Mrs. Yuli, one of the accompanying teachers, the visit aimed to help students gain a deeper understanding of the majors they could choose in higher education. She emphasized that such guidance is essential to provide students with a clearer picture of their educational paths after graduating from SMK. “Students need guidance in understanding the majors they will pursue in college. That is why we chose the Information Technology major, as it aligns with our curriculum,” she explained.
During the visit, they were welcomed by the Head of the Information Technology Department, Mr Hari Ginardi, who represented ITS in delivering lecture-related material at ITS. In his presentation, he explained more about the various majors at ITS related to the IT field, especially the Department of Information Technology, the learning system at ITS, and career prospects in the world of information technology.
The Head of the ITS Information Technology Department, Mr Hari Ginardi delivered information regarding the Information Technology Department at ITS
The activities did not stop at the presentation session. Afterward, the students were invited to participate in a lab tour, where they were introduced to various laboratories and research projects developed by ITS students and faculty members.
Through this tour, the students gained a clearer understanding of how the knowledge they acquired in SMK could be further expanded at the university level. They also witnessed firsthand how ITS students conduct research and technological innovations, providing them with new insights into the ever-evolving IT world.
A tour session held at the Smart City & Cybersecurity Laboratory Lab of the Department of Information Technology
The students were visibly enthusiastic about the visit. Their admiration for ITS was evident from their initial impressions. “ITS is amazing! Ranked 4th in Indonesia. The campus is huge, and the facilities are complete,” said one student excitedly. They were also impressed by the well-organized and comfortable campus environment. “ITS is the best! It’s clean, well-maintained, spacious, and comfortable,” added another student.
One of the most captivating aspects for the students was Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity. These fields stood out as particularly attractive because they are considered essential to the future of technology and highly relevant to industry needs.
The students’ growing interest in IoT and cybersecurity was also acknowledged by the accompanying teacher. She explained that many students are passionate about these fields, even though robotics has not yet been included as a core subject in the school curriculum. However, the school provides opportunities for students to develop their skills through extracurricular activities.
“In terms of specialization, students are more inclined toward cybersecurity and robotics. Our school does not have robotics as part of the core subjects, but we do have a robotics extracurricular program. Many students participate in it, and some have even excelled in this field,” she explained.
This visit not only provided new experiences but also served as motivation for students in planning their future academic journeys. Many of them became more determined to pursue higher education at ITS.
“My hope is to graduate from SMK 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya with excellent grades and continue my studies at ITS,” said one of the students. Several other students echoed similar aspirations, hoping to deepen their knowledge at ITS and enhance their skills in the technology field.
The teachers also expressed their hopes that this visit would broaden students’ perspectives and encourage them to further hone their skills in IT. “We hope that our students can become part of ITS and that their future will be even brighter than ours as teachers,” one of the teachers concluded.
As one of the top technological institutions in Indonesia, the Department of Information Technology at ITS remains committed to nurturing the next generation of IT professionals. With modern facilities, an industry-aligned curriculum, and a competitive academic environment, the department is ready to be a place for aspiring students to learn, grow, and excel in the field of information technology.
IT Journalistic
21 Februari 2025
Dyas Amorita Radhwa Nashirah
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