
Winning 2 Gold Medals In Gemastik XIV 2021, A Celebration Event Was Held

Fri, 26 Nov 2021
5:21 pm

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The PhantomV Team and the Average Enjoyer Online Lecture Team with The Lecturers of the ITS Information Technology Department took a photo together to capture the moment together at the closing of the Celebration Event


ITS Information Technology Department held a Celebration Event at the IT Plaza, Information Technology Department, Thursday (4/11/2021) afternoon. This event was held as an expression of gratitude and pride for the extraordinary achievements of several ITS Information Technology Department students who passed as finalists and even succeeded in winning 2 (two) gold medals at the National Student Show in Information and Communication Technology ( GEMASTIK) XIV.

The following is a list of ITS Information Technology Department students who passed to the final round:

  1. Smart City Division – Anis Saidatur Rochma, Mohammad Ifaizul Hasan, and Ian Felix Simajuntak (joined as PhantomV Team)
  2. Cyber Security Division – Symbol of Akbar Wijayadi, and Naufal Aprilian Marsa Mahendra (joined in the Enjoyer Online Lecture Average Team)
  3. Smart Devices, Embedded Systems & IoT Division – Muhammad Hilmi Ramadhan, Herwinda Marwaa Salsabila, and Muhammad Rizqi Wijaya (joined as MurphyTech Team)
  4. ICT Business Development Division – Nabella Desyawulansari (joined in the Bubur Diaduk Team)
  5. User Experience Design Division – Ariel Daffansyah Aliski (joined the Sistem Teknologi Team)

Of the total 5 teams that qualified for the final round, 2 (two) teams won gold medals, namely PhantomV Team from the Smart City division and the Average Online Lecture Enjoyer Team from the Cyber Security division.

At this Celebration event, representatives from the two gold medal-winning ITS Information Technology Department teams expressed their gratitude to all parties for the support and assistance that had been given to the team is going through the long struggle of the GEMASTIK XIV competition.

Various portraits of happy smiles radiated at the ITS Information Technology Department Celebration event for achievements at GEMASTIK XIV 2021


Anis Saidatur Rochma, a representative of the PhantomV team, also conveyed his message, “We all have to be able to prove that even though the ITS Information Technology Department is a newly established department, we can compete with other departments. In addition, we can also prove that the new department can make achievements in prestigious competitions at the national level, as in the GEMASTIK XIV event in 2021. If there is a strong and maximum desire, God willing, it will all work out”.

In addition, representatives from the Average Online Lecture Enjoyer team, namely Lambang Akbar Wijayadi also shared tips on how to successfully win a gold medal at the prestigious GEMASTIK XIV event, “For my friends from the ITS Information Technology Department who aspire to get a gold medal from GEMASTIK, especially in Cybersecurity division, it’s actually not difficult because the key is the most important thing every day, starting from practice on doing questions to training on holding a server”.

This Celebration opportunity also aims to motivate other ITS Information Technology Department students to be increasingly encouraged to achieve the highest achievements so that the Indonesian people can see technological innovations made by ITS Information Technology Department students.

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