
ITS Digital Innovation Study Program Showcases New Innovations at the Digital Innovation Exhibition 2024

Thu, 25 Jul 2024
11:01 am
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IDE 2024 Committee and Mr. Ir. Achmad Holil Noor Ali, M.Kom.


The Department of Information Systems at the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) ITS established the Digital Innovation Study Program in 2023, evolving from the ITS Information Systems Department. The Digital Innovation Study Program hosted the Digital Innovation Exhibition 2024, organized by its first cohort. This event was held under the guidance of Mr. Ir. Achmad Holil Noor Ali, M.Kom, the Head of the Digital Innovation Study Program, and featured the theme “Mindsparke Creator.” The event aimed to showcase the latest business ideas and innovations from the Digital Innovation Study Program students, which are also part of their Final Projects.


Muhammad Rayhan Nurardin Pane, the Event Chair, explained, “The preparation for this event began in February, with the formation of the committee and the design of the event concept.”


The event was more than just an exhibition; it also included the IDE Championship and IDE Society. The IDE Championship is a competition involving high school students, while the IDE Society is a social activity held at orphanages around Surabaya. Prior to the main event, the IDE Society activities included drawing competitions, the provision of essential items such as clothing and books, and light entertainment for the children at the orphanages.


IDE Championship Band Group Semifinalists


On June 29-30, 2024, the culmination of the Digital Innovation Exhibition took place at Ciputra World Surabaya. The IDE Exhibition showcased the latest business ideas and innovations from Digital Innovation Study Program students. Additionally, the semifinals and finals of the IDE Championship were held on these days.


One of the biggest challenges faced was the lack of experience among many students in organizing events. However, Pane emphasized, “The Digital Innovation Study Program students have a strong desire to grow. Although at a slower pace, that enthusiasm helped us achieve success at the peak of the event.”


IDE Championship Dance Group Semifinalists


The program provided funding for the event but required the students to repay the funds. “We were given funds by the program but were still responsible for reimbursing them. This motivated us to seek sponsorship,” Pane explained. Additionally, the students took the initiative to develop the IDE Championship, which included band and dance group competitions, to increase revenue.


The Digital Innovation Exhibition is set to become an annual event for the Digital Innovation Study Program, continuing with future cohorts. Pane hopes that for next year’s IDE event, the future chairperson will build better communication between the committee and other stakeholders involved in the event. “Communication is crucial, and by strengthening communication and collaboration, future events will be more successful and have a positive impact,” Pane concluded.

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