As one of ITS’s visions to become a research and innovation campus, ITS again held an Open Session of the Professorial Council. This inauguration was held on Thursday, November 2 2023, at Graha Sepuluh Nopember. ITS confirmed 27 new professors. This inauguration is the largest number of inaugurations in ITS history. This number will fulfill the total of 195 professors from the total professors at ITS. Of the total of 27 new professors who were confirmed, 5 of them are Electics professors
The inauguration procession which was held offline was also broadcast live via the official ITS YouTube channel. In this event, each new professor will present a short 3 minute oration containing a presentation of the results of the research that has been carried out and how the research will impact society. The event began with an explanation of the life histories of the five professors, then opened with remarks from the ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng.
In his short speech, Ashari expressed his pride in ITS’ achievement as one of the universities with the highest number of international publications with 15 thousand recognized international publications. This shows that ITS is still able to compete and is in 4th position in terms of the highest number of publications in Indonesia
At this inauguration, Electics contributed 5 names, including
The Electics Professor’s oration was started by Prof. Heri Suryoatmojo, S.T., Ph.D. who comes from the Electrical Engineering department with the field of Electrical Drive Systems.
In his oration entitled, “The benefits and challenges of AI in modern electric vehicle systems”. He spoke about how important this field is in the development of modern electric vehicles and the automotive industry.
He said that brushless electric motors (BLDC) play a crucial role as prime movers because of their high efficiency, strong torque, wide speed range and low maintenance. BLDC motor speed control is the key to achieving the desired acceleration or reducing slip in the traction control. Traditional control methods such as PID offer simple structures, but are limited to linear systems. Meanwhile, fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks (ANN) face challenges of uncertainty and limited adaptation. For this research, 2 methods, namely ANFIS and PID with the PSO-RLSE combination algorithm, are proposed to regulate the speed of BLDC motors.
Next he explained the results of the modeling challenges he encountered “The modeling results show that this approach can produce better motor control performance compared to conventional methods and shows the potential for combining the advantages of ANFIS adaptability and the effectiveness of PID control.”
Thus, the ANFIS-PID combination based on the PSO-RLSE algorithm can be an effective solution in developing a BLDC motor-based electric vehicle control system.
Next, the oration was continued by Prof. Dr. Ir. Titiek Suryani, M.T. who comes from the Electrical Engineering department in the field of Communication Signal Processing
In her oration entitled, “The Role of Communication Signal Processing in the Development of Indonesian Telecommunication Technology”. She said that this field is important for researchers and also the government in terms of developing telecommunications technology to meet the communication needs of Indonesian society.
She explained, Along with the rapid development of telecommunications technology, especially in the context of the need for high speed data communications and smart trends such as smart cities, cellphones, smart homes, and others, communication signal processing has become a very important element. “In the management of two main resources, namely energy and frequency spectrum, appropriate telecommunications technology engineering is needed to compromise these two aspects. “Communication signal processing, for example, can compress the bandwidth of high-speed data transmission using multicarrier techniques, increasing tolerance for frequency interference that can damage transmissions,” explained Prof. Titiek.
She also said, with this capability, telecommunications technology can provide significant benefits, including supporting communication needs in Indonesia, which has a large population and scattered areas. The cooperative communication system model is also explained as an alternative that can answer the challenges of equal distribution and continuity of communication services throughout Indonesia.
The oration continued with a presentation from Prof. Nur Aini Rakhmawati, S.Kom., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D. which comes from Information Systems in the field of Big Data Technology. In her oration entitled Towards Indonesia as a World Halal Data Center, he underlined Indonesia’s potential as a world halal center considering that Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest Muslim population in the world.
“Even though there are around 200 halal certification bodies throughout the world, the lack of international accreditation creates complexity, where one product can hold several halal certificates from different institutions,” explained Prof. Aini.
She then presented a solution, namely, the use of Linked Open Data (LOD) for halal food products, which has positive implications in creating a centralized database that can integrate certification data from various institutions. She added, “This database integration is not only progressive, but also crucial in supporting the need for more effective data collection, monitoring and exchange regarding halal food products at the global level. As global consumer interest in halal products increases, the integration of food and halal databases through LOD can make a significant contribution to security and trust in the increasingly complex halal food market, providing the necessary framework for product halal identification, tracking and verification.
The oration continued with a presentation given by Prof. Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama, S.T., M.T. who comes from Computer Engineering in the field of Health Telematics
In his oration entitled, “Health Telematics to create intelligent, complete and satisfying health services for the community”
Overall, the scope of Health Telematics covers various aspects such as data acquisition, storage, transmission, processing, data analysis, telemedicine, blockchain, artificial intelligence, medical rehabilitation, gaming, IoT, robotics and other fields applied in the health context. Based on his research, there are innovations such as the use of ultrasound to obtain three-dimensional images of the human spine and a new filtering approach applied to the Max-Tree representation of an image called Branches Filtering. His scientific contributions include projects such as iBrain2U, iDerm4U, M-Analyzer, TB-Analyzer, MedCap, and RAISA Robot.
He conveyed several important things related to Health Telematics in Indonesia, including data integration, data standardization, HR certification for application developers, data security, artificial intelligence regulations, and the application of future technology. So, his contributions and recommendations became a strong foundation for the development of Health Telematics in Indonesia with a holistic and integrated approach.
Furthermore, the final oration from a series of Electics professors was a presentation delivered by Prof. Dr. Diana Purwitasari, S.Kom., M.Sc. who comes from Informatics Engineering in the field of Natural Language Processing.
In her oration entitled, Scientific Processing Language, the Potential of NLP Technology to Uncover Community Behavior through Understanding Human Language.
Focusing on the potential future applications of NLP Technology, she has directed her attention to developing frameworks that utilize Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyze researcher behavior. Involving aspects such as research topic analysis, researcher interests, level of expertise, and predictions of research topic expansion, the framework leverages data science techniques, productivity feature extraction, and data visualization to provide information that is easier to understand. The integration of layered network abstractions, machine learning, deep learning, and visual data representation in an Expertise Recommendation System with Behavioral Analytics offers a versatile solution that can be used in a variety of data contexts.
In addition, she recommended the potential contribution of NLP in behavior analysis with dynamic graph structures, especially in modeling the spread of disease and identifying social issues on social media. This analysis not only understands the speed at which issues spread but also explores entrepreneurial potential and the tendency to share information in society, with the potential to have a big impact on various aspects of life.
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