Located in the midtown, allow you to experience the metropolis atmosphere of Surabaya. Cokroaminoto is a street located in Dr. Sutomo Urban-Village, Tegalsari Sub-district, Surabaya City. This campus is a home to the students of Magister Program Technology Management and main office of IKA ITS (ITS Alumni Association).
Feel The Heart of the City
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Cokroaminoto campus is located in the heart of Surabaya City. Eateries, shopping mall, banks, hotels, hospitals, parks, government offices, historical sites, book store, and industries are only one step away from this campus. The annual festival, Surabaya Vaganza, takes place nearby this place.In this heart of the city, you can explore more about Surabaya City and find its uniqueness.
Collaboration in the ITS Cokroaminoto
Technology Management Department ITS has built relations with various institutions both governments and leading industries since 1996. Located in the downtown, this campus gives opportunities for the students of Magister Program Technology Management to know further about their field of work and build networks with various institutions. The collaborations give advantages for the students in their study.