Display of CLON application (Claster of Education), e-Learning application for people of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by ITS’s Student Team
ITS Campus, ITS News – Another achievement carved by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) students in the International Online Competition Inventions vs Corona event organized by the International Federation of Inventors ‘ Association (IFIA). The team consists of students from the Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering and the Department of Information Systems won the Gold Medal in the Invention Contest for the Benefit of Humanity Against Covid-19.
Hafizh Muhammad Rozaan, Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid, Galih Syifa’ul Ummah, Cahyo Aji Roliono, and Yohanes Jose Ariawan who initiated the innovation of application named CLON (Claster of Education). It is an e-learning application created for the sufferer of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This breakthrough was made based on online learning conducted in Indonesia as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
As a team leader, Hafizh explained, there is still no online learning media provided for special school students (SLB) in following the online study in the current pandemic. “Medium learning is now accessible only to students or normal students like us, while our friends who have special needs cannot access it,” he added.
Hafizh Muhammad Rozaan shows the prototype of his CLON application that successfully won the gold medal in international events
Departing from the issue, these five students created an application that is used to facilitate teaching and learning activities in SLB students with taking and give methods. This method allows students to answer the question as instructed to apply good ethical behavior to the community that will be visualized through compelling images. “The users will be guided and rewarded for achievements that have been achieved. It requires coordination with parents in learning, “he explained.
The students of the Departement of Civil Infrastructure Engineering ITS said that the application consists of four main features that are very useful for the needs of SLB students while they are learning from home. Among other Learning Journey, Quiz, Self-development, and Social Experience. The Learning Journey feature itself is a feature in which contains daily learning such as letter recognition, number recognition, and color recognition. “After they had done the assignment on that day, students would earn points,” he added.
According to Hafizh, this app also comes with Quiz feature which is a daily feature, where students can only do this once a day. Students will then be given an issue with a personality question, and after finished it, the student will be rewarded as an appreciation.
For the self-development feature, continued Hafizh, created to improve the visual abilities of students. In the future, there will be many questions that use interesting images, to increase the sensitivity of the left brains. The Social Experience feature is intended to implement positive attitudes to the surrounding environment such as the action of basic manners or 5S (smile, greetings, and politeness). “This will make children slowly improve their emotions to be stable on positive emotions,” he said.
More about the CLON, this application also features an additional feature of Report that serves to send students developmental charts from their work to the companion as the third party of this application, which can subsequently process directly and make a conclusion whether students experience improved brain performance or not.
One of the features of CLON’s app, the work of ITS’s student team, on a smartphone
He also describes that this CLON application implements machine learning which can classify student intelligence levels based on test results in four key features to a database. So, on the next day, the application will give a question based on the level of a student’s IQ ability. “So the better the student is working on it, the harder it will be the questions given for the next day, and vice versa,” he explained.
Asked about the advantages of the application made, Hafizh reveals that this CLON has never existed before. “Until now there is no e-learning application devoted to the people of ASD, including unsociable and Mentally disabled who are attending SLB,” he said.
Meanwhile, Hafizh said, the biggest obstacle facing his team is a short time. Because the application is only ten days, coupled with innovations made not on the civil infrastructure engineering field. “So in the end, I formed a team of five people who are experienced in international competitions and experts in designing and making prototypes,” he explained.
Gold Medal Certificate achieved by Hafizh Muhammad Rozaan, Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid, Galih Syifa’ul Ummah, Cahyo Aji Roliono, and Yohanes Jose Ariawan from ITS
So in its workmanship, he and the team divide into several job desks according to their respective skills. This competition is a continuation of the event of an essay competition that was followed and won by Hafizh in the framework of National Education Day organized by the Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion Association (Innopa). “From there I was sent to the international event with the cost from Innopa,” he said.
Also, Hafizh hopes that from his application, he and the team won one Gold Medal from 28 gold medals contested. His team also defeated 202 participants from 35 countries participating in the event. “Indonesia itself sent three teams, which is my team of ITS, and two teams from other universities which is Gajah Mada University and the Jendral Achmad Yani University,” he explained.
Through such innovations, the student who born in Lahat, South Sumatera, hopes that in the future CLON application can be developed and realized in real-time. Also, he hopes the application can help children with special needs in getting online learning as well as other students. “I also hope that hopefully can continue to boast ITS international, national, and regional scene, so that the more achievements that ITS students can get to,” said this 19-year-old students. (bob/rev/ITS Public Relations)
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