Prof. Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro (ITS, Surabaya)
Dr. Trihanyndyo Rendy S (ITS, Surabaya)
Dr. Mahendra Andiek Maulana (ITS, Surabaya)
Dr. Ir. Dwa Desa Warnana (ITS, Surabaya)
Dr. Farida Rachmawati (ITS, Surabaya)
Dr. Eng. Januarti Jaya Ekaputri (ITS, Surabaya)
Dr. Yudhi Lastiasih (ITS, Surabaya)
245 halaman, 21 cm x 29,7 cm
ISBN: xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-x
Multi-Mitigation of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering to Natural Disasters on Problematic Soils provides a comprehensive examination of advanced techniques, methodologies, and innovations in mitigating the impacts of natural disasters on geotechnically challenging terrains. With a focus on problematic soils, this book integrates diverse aspects of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering to deliver sustainable, resilient, and practical solutions for disaster-prone regions.
Harga: Penulis: Prof. Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro (ITS, Surabaya) Dr. Trihanyndyo Rendy S (ITS, Surabaya) Dr. Mahendra Andiek Maulana
Penulis : Radityo Prasetianto Wibowo Nabila aprilia 184 halaman, 21 cm x 29,7 cm ISBN: xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-x Sinopsis: Dalam
. Penulis : Santi wulan purnami shofi andari dedy dwi prastyo jery dwi trijoyo purnomo 96 halaman, 17,5 cm
Penulis: Rindah febriana suryawati, SE,.AK,.M.Acc.,CA. Ema umulia,S.T,.M.T. Dr.Hertiari idajati, S.T.,M.Sc 18 halaman, 21