The Leadership Regeneration Period for the Rector’s Position, which is carried out every 5 years, will end in 2024. The series of preparations and stages in the rector selection process are in accordance with those outlined in the socialization for the rector election on 17 October. As of October 24, 2023, election numbers have been officially determined for 20 prospective chancellor candidates. The candidates are outstanding lecturers with extraordinary contributions and achievements in their respective fields. Three of the 20 academics come from the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology.
The series of activities and timeline for the election of ITS Chancellor for the 2024-2029 period are as follows:
In the technical aspect of selecting the ITS Chancellor for the 2024-2029 period, information regarding the involvement of the academic community is the main focus. Dr. Ir. Lily Pudjiastuti M.Sc as Executive Secretary of the Board of Trustees conveyed the important stages in selecting candidates for chancellor. Starting from the socialization process, register registration, to presenting the vision and implementing the aspirations of the residents. This is manifested in the provisions contained in MWA Regulation Number 01 of 2023 Article 13, which explicitly gives lecturers, education staff, and students the right to express their aspirations as part of a democratic election process.
In order to ensure optimal participation from the entire academic community, the implementation of citizens’ aspirations will be carried out through e-aspiration services. This service can be accessed via a MyITS account, which was previously used in previous periods for E-Voting. By utilizing technology, the process of citizen aspirations becomes more accessible and more inclusive. Lily, in her view as MWA Secretary, emphasized her hope that all academic components can collaborate and unite to elect leaders who are not only hard workers but also have a vision capable of bringing ITS to the peak of sustainability and excellence in the future.
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) students have once again made brilliant achievements in the construction sector. This time,
At the beginning of 2025, ITS FT-SPK welcomed new officials who were appointed for the 2025-2029 term of service
Implementing one of the programs presented in the Chancellor’s Speech at the Beginning of 2025, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember