
Direktorat Kemahasiswaan

About Us

Students took an important role in the development of public universities. As one of the best colleges in Indonesia, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology has a high commitment to student progress and development.

Teachers enjoy having the capability to utilize Teaching Carpets since there’s a science behind using them. They can let you know the right books to make investments. To begin with, know the way your school is set up. The general public school is now the most obvious first solution for many households.

However, it is also one that can cause them plenty of writing services. A charter school should get an authorizer ahead of gaining approval for your charter. Furthermore, charter schools have access to tens of thousands of dollars in federal funding that isn’t available to conventional schools in an effort to advertise innovation and the capacity to reach unique academic targets.

As the directorate that oversees the field of student relations. ITS Student Relations Directorate is responsible for realizing ITS goals in producing intelligent, robust and virtuous graduates who are reliable to face the global challenges ahead. In accordance with ITS Jargon “Arek ITS CAK! ” (Smart, Amanah, Creative).

In the implementation of ITS duties, the Directorate of Student Relations is divided into 2 subdirectorate and 1 service, namely:

Sub-Directorate of Entrepreneurship and Career Development
Subdirectorate of Student Development
Student Services

Organizational Structure

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