
Direktorat Kemahasiswaan


Young generation is the best asset owned by Indonesia. In the Globalization and global trend in the world market, ITS directs ITS students to not only settle as an employee, but also a technopreneur. ITS building a business incubator as a step to facilitate ITS student who wants to pioneer his business as a lecture.

Not only being the guidance, ITS also provides funds to finance ITS potential student business to be developed. Through this incubator, not only business in the form of a developed digital startup, but also various offline based businesses, small to large scale.

The development of ITS facilitated incubator

Technoprenur-Entrepreneurial technology
Startup Business with Surabaya City Government cooperation
Business Services both Offline and Online
Cooperation with distributors
Guidance in business proposals and business competitions

Profile of Entrepreneurial Alumni

ITS graduates not only build their careers in the field of science, are also expected to entrepreneurship as an alternative career option. ITS entrepreneurial Alumni are scattered in various fields namely technology, creative industry, fashion, service, construction, culinary, agribusiness and furniture.