Course Evaluation

Course Evaluation

Course Evaluation

The purpose of Lecturer Performance Assessment by students is to provide teaching staff with information to make informed decisions about improving lecturers teaching. It is a positive process and should be used for the enhancement of staff development and student learning. The Chemistry Department of ITS has a standard instrument for gathering data from students about responses to teaching and learning. The instrument comprises two main topics, The Course Evaluation and Lecturer Evaluation which is broken down into four sections (a) planning and preparation, (b) Delivery Techniques, (c) Assessment, and, (d) Students-Lecturer Relations. Apart from just the rating, written comments are also taken into account which provides further explanations such as standards, quality, teacher preparation, or even personality.

The course evaluation survey for the Bachelor of Chemistry (BoC) and Master of Chemistry (MoC) can be founded below.

The link for BoC course evaluation survey is here
The link for MoC course evaluation survey is here

Based on the survey results, the course materials delivery by the lecturer has performed well. Moreover, the Chemistry department always makes an improvement to improve this. For Semester I 2022/2023, several improvements have been done including: sending two young lecturers to follow the education training in August 2022, sending one young lecturer to follow English training, and giving the forum group discussion for all the chemistry department lecturers about the course module preparation.

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