Alumni Association

Alumni Association


The Chemistry Graduates Association, which is also known as IKA Chemistry ITS, is part of the ITS Graduates Association on the whole, or also known as IKA ITS. The IKA Chemistry ITS has become an official communication facility between the chemistry department and its graduates. Since 2008, the IKA Chemistry ITS has organised two mass reunions, which are in 2008 and 2010. Beside that, there are regularly alumni meeting that organized by Chemistry Student Association in every 6 month. IKA Chemistry ITS has a communication facility which is in the form of a mailist. The email address for IKA Chemistry ITS is

In 2018, IKA-ITS foud the association for entrepreuner and proffesional alumni chemistry, called  Himpunan Pengusaha dan Profesional Alumni Kimia – ITS (HIPPAKIM ITS)

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