International Seminar on Chemistry (ISoC)

International Seminar on Chemistry (ISoC)

The 3rd International Seminar on Chemistry (ISoC III) will be held on July 18-19, 2018 in Surabaya, Indonesia.

The ISoC III is a continuation of the ISoC II which has been held since 2014 with purpose to promote and develop science and technology in chemistry. The ISoC itself is continuation of the National Seminar on Chemistry (SENAKI) which has been held every year since 1999. ISoC is a forum for students, researchers , educators , observers and practitioners from university, research institutions, industry and general public to exchange ideas and latest information in the field of chemistry and its application. This year, ISOC III is held along with congress of Indonesian Chemical Society for establishment of Inorganic Division (HKI Divisi Anorganik) and Congress of Organization for Woman in Science for The Developing World (OWSD)-Indonesian Chapter. We invites participants from around the world to get involved and present their current research both in oral or poster presentation. Both congress are scheduled on the secodn day of the seminar, July 19, 2018 (tentative).

The theme for the ISoC III is “Green Chemistry and its Role for Sustainability”. Topics of interest for submission include (but are not limited to):

  1. Environmental chemistry
  2. Material chemistry
  3. Energy
  4. Food chemistry
  5. Medicinal chemistry
  6. Biotechnology
  7. Catalyst and catalysis
  8. Ceramics chemistry
  9. Chemical reaction engineering
  10. Educational chemistry
  11. Biochemistry
  12. Analytical chemistry
  13. Inorganic chemistry
  14. Physical chemistry
  15. Organic chemistry.

Other field in chemistry in chemistry related topics are also welcomed.

Selected papers of the presented papers will be published on  AIP proceeding or HAYATI Journal of Biosciences (both are indexed by Scopus), the rest will be published in IPTEK proceeding.

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