
The Bachelor Degree of Chemistry ITS (BoC) has the goals and the responsibilities to participate in solving human related problems that have correlation with chemistry, not only in Indonesia, but also all over the world, both directly and indirectly. Based on these goals as an educational institute and in line to the ITS vision

Vision : 

  • The Chemistry Department being a chemistry learning center which creates graduates with international qualifications as an agent of developing the knowledge of science and technology. 

Mission : 

  • To carry out an efficient high level of education in the field of chemistry up to the stage of postgraduate, in order to produce graduates who are approved and known at the international level. 
  • To perform innovative and creative researches to develop the knowledge of chemistry. 
  • To organize activities by providing the society services that are connected with chemistry. 
  • To organize activities by socializing chemistry and the capability of Chemistry ITS Department. 
  • To uphold and maintain the values of academic, moral and ethics in order to achieve a better quality of life. 

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes (LOs) 
Attitude and Values  LO 1  Has good moral, ethics and personality in completing one’s task 
LO 2  Capable of team work and has social sensitivity awareness of the public and the environment 
Managerial Skills  LO 3  Able to collect data and information correctly, analyze and use analysis for correct decision making 
LO 4  Able to give alternative solutions with the characters of leadership, creativity and communication ability 
LO 5  Responsible for one’s own work and is able to be give the responsibility of the achievement of an organization 
Mastered Knowledge  LO 6  Able to master the concepts of structure, character and change of substance according to the aspects of dynamics and energetics 
LO 7  Able to master concepts, theory and methods on analysis and synthesis of chemical substances 
Working Capacities  LO 8  Able to apply a chemistry mindset and utilize science and technology in their field and overcome problems that are faced. 
LO 9  Able to apply chemistry mindset in driving the creation of job opportunities 

Qualification Profile

Chemistry graduates must be able to work in any chemistry-related fields, to be able to meet the needs of society, both nationally and internationally, including research (e.g. environmental issues, science and technology), industrial (e.g. quality control / assurance, process and production management, R & D, technical representative), or services (entrepreneurship), as well as ability to follow the development of informational and communication technology (ICT) and increase their knowledge and skills through life-long learning. 

The following syllabus 2018-2022 Bachelor Degree (S1)


Semester 1
Kode Mata Kuliah / Inggris SKS
UG184905 Agama Buddha 2
Buddhism studies
UG184904 Agama Hindu 2
Hinduism studies
UG184901 Agama Islam 2
Islamic studies
UG184903 Agama Katolik 2
Catholic studies
UG184906 Agama Khonghucu 2
Khonghucu studies
UG184902 Agama Kristen 2
Christian studies
UG184914 Bahasa Inggris 2
SW185702 Biologi Dasar 2
Fundamental Biology
SF184101 Fisika 1 4
Physics 1
SK184101 Kimia 1 3
Chemistry 1
KM184101 Matematika 1 3
Mathematics 1
UG184911 Pancasila 2
Total SKS 28


Semester 2
Kode Mata Kuliah / Inggris SKS
UG184912 Bahasa Indonesia 2
SF184202 Fisika 2 3
Physics 2
SK184203 Fisika Modern 2
Modern Physics
UG184913 Kewarganegaraan 2
SK184202 Kimia II 3
Chemistry II
SK184204 Kimia Matematika dan Komputasi 3
Mathematical and Computational Chemistry
KM184201 Matematika 2 3
Mathematics 2
Total SKS 18


Semester 3
Kode Mata Kuliah / Inggris SKS
SK184351 Dasar Kimia Organik 3
Principles of Organic Chemistry
SK184302 Literatur Kimia 2
Chemical Literature
SK184311 Metode Pengukuran 4
Measurement Methods
SK184301 Pengantar Metode Statistik 2
Introduction to Statistical Methods
SK184341 Struktur Atom dan Molekul 3
Atomic and Molecular Structures
SK184342 Termodinamika Kimia 5
Chemical Thermodynamics
Total SKS 19


Semester 4
Kode Mata Kuliah / Inggris SKS
SK184443 Dinamika Kimia 6
Chemical Dynamics
SK184412 Metode Pemisahan dan Pemurnian 4
Separation and Purification Methods
SK184452 Reaksi Senyawa Organik 4
Reaction in Organic Chemistry
SK184421 Struktur, Sifat, dan Reaktivitas Senyawa Anorganik 5
Structures, Properties, and Reactivity of Inorganic Compounds
Total SKS 19


Semester 5
Kode Mata Kuliah / Inggris SKS
SK184531 Biokimia 4
SK184513 Metode Pengukuran Instrumen 4
Instrumental Chemistry
SK184553 Sintesis Senyawa Organik 4
Synthesis in Organic Chemistry
SK184544 Spektroskopi Molekul 3
Molecular Spectroscopy
SK184522 Unsur dan Senyawa Anorganik 4
Elements and Inorganic Compounds
Total SKS 19


Semester 6
Kode Mata Kuliah / Inggris SKS
SK184632 Bioproses 4
SK184654 Identifikasi Senyawa Organik 3
Identification in Organic Chemistry
SK184614 Kemometrik 2
SK184615 Ketrampilan Analisis Kimia 2
Chemical Analysis Laboratory
SK184623 Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Material Anorganik 5
Synthesis and Characterization of Inorganic Materials
UG184916 Wawasan dan Aplikasi Teknologi 3
Concept of Technology
Total SKS 19


Semester 7
Kode Mata Kuliah / Inggris SKS
SK184714 Analisis Terapan 3
Applied Analysis
SK184732 Bioremediasi 2
SK184765 Bisnis Kimia (Pengayaan) 3
Business of Chemistry (Enrichment)
SK184712 Elektrometri 2
SK184741 Fitokimia 3
SK184752 Geokimia Batubara 2
Coal Geochemistry
SK184764 Geokimia dan Mineralogi (Pengayaan) 3
Geochemistry and Mineralogy (Enrichment)
SK184861 Kapita Selekta 2
Capita Selecta
SK184811 Kemo-Biosensor 2
SK184761 Kerja Praktik 2
SK184726 Kimia Bahan Bangunan 2
Chemical Building Materials
SK184766 Kimia Bahan Makanan (Pengayaan) 3
Food Chemistry (Enrichment)
SK184812 Kimia Forensik 2
Forensic Chemistry
SK184722 Kimia Katalis 3
SK184762 Kimia Kelautan 2
Marine Chemistry
SK184865 Kimia Keramik (Pengayaan) 3
Ceramics Chemistry (Enrichment)
SK184723 Kimia Koloid 2
Colloid Chemistry
SK184711 Kimia Lingkungan 2
Environmental Chemistry
SK184733 Kimia Mikrobiologi 2
Microbiological Chemistry
SK184724 Kimia Permukaan 3
Surface Chemistry
SK184742 Kimia Pewangi dan Perisa 2
Chemistry of Fragrance and Flavour
SK184705 Kolokium 2
SK184763 Pengantar Kimia Pewangi dan Pewarna (Pengayaan) 3
Introduction to Fragrance and Dye Chemistry (Enrichment)
SK184767 Penyimpanan Energi (Pengayaan) 2
Energy Storage (Enrichment)
SK184725 Polimer 2
SK184713 Radiometri 2
SK184731 Rekayasa Genetika 2
Genetic Engineering
SK184721 Senyawa Kompleks 2
Complex Compounds
SK184751 Stereokimia Organik 2
Organic Stereochemistry
SK184706 Studi Kasus Kimia 2
Chemistry Case Study
UG184915 Teknopreneur 2
Total SKS 71


Semester 8
Kode Mata Kuliah / Inggris SKS
SK184852 Analisis Biomarka 2
Biomarkers Analysis
SK184833 Bioaktivitas 2
SK184822 Bioanorganik 2
Bioinorganic Chemistry
SK184825 Dasar Komputasi Molekular 3
Introduction to Molecular Computation
SK184832 Enzimologi 2
SK184831 Fermentasi 2
SK184864 Kimia Analisis (Pengayaan) 3
Chemical Analysis (Enrichment)
SK184862 Kimia Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya (Pengayaan) 3
Hazardous and Dangerous Materials (Enrichment)
SK184868 Kimia Hulu Migas (Pengayaan) 3
Chemical Oil and Gas (Enrichment)
SK184824 Kimia Industri 2
Industrial Chemistry
SK184867 Kimia Membran (Pengayaan) 2
Membrane Chemistry (Enrichment)
SK184842 Kimia Obat 2
Drug Chemistry
SK184866 Kimia Plastik (Pengayaan) 3
Plastic Chemistry (Enrichment)
SK184823 Kimia Zat Padat 2
Solid State Chemistry
SW184801 Manajemen Laboratorium 2
Laboratory Management
SK184863 Metoda Analisis Korosi (Pengayaan) 3
Corrosion Analysis Methods (Enrichment)
SK184851 Pengantar Geokimia Organik 3
Introduction to Organic Geochemistry
SK184821 Senyawa Organologam 2
Organometallic Compounds
SK184841 Sistematika Kimiawi Tumbuhan 2
Chemical Systematic of Plant
SK184807 Skripsi 8
Final Project
Total SKS 53

Final project report can be downloaded here

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