Student Community

Student Community


Chemistry Student Association which is engaged in the professional field. Become a place to develop for Himka residents.


Rumah Karsa comes from two words, namely rumah and karsa. Based on the KBBI, house means a building for residence, while karsa means the power (strength) of the soul that encourages living creatures to desire or according to Ki Hajar Dewantara, karsa can be interpreted as spirit or intention.

So Rumah Karsa has the meaning of a place or container for all aspects of HIMKA-ITS to guide and grow souls who have determination and enthusiasm in achieving a goal or ideal in all good (positive) ways.


HIMKA ITS as a House of Exploration with a Beacon of Movement for the realization of an Intellectual Spirit with Character and Usability.


  1. Optimizing the means for developing personal potential and actualizing each element of HIMKA-ITS and making it aware of its role as an intellectual
  2. Maximize the fulfillment of understanding and expertise needs for each element of HIMKA-ITS in preparing oneself for the world after graduation
  3. Develop a cadre formation system to form the pioneering character of the HIMKA-ITS movement
  4. Creating a comfortable activity environment by upholding family ties
  5. Building good and synergistic relationships with outside elements of HIMKA-ITS


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