Undergraduate Degree (S1)

Undergraduate Degree (S1)

Undergraduate Degree (S1) of Computer Engineering aims to provide high-quality learning process opportunities for students to be able to improve their abilities, motivation and learning behavior and high work ethic. Students will be given a strong understanding of the theories and principles of computing, mathematics, science, and engineering to solve technical problems through the design of computer hardware, software, and networks.

In ITS Chancellor Regulation No.15/2018 Article 15, Undergraduate Program Students are declared to have passed the undergraduate stage if they successfully complete the entire study load of 144 credits (208 ECTS) including the final project, which is divided into the preparation stage with a study load of 36 credits scheduled in two semester, and undergraduate stage with a study load of 108 credits scheduled for six semesters. Taking each course has learning outcomes targeted by the Study Program without D and E scores. Students are required to meet the minimum score requirements for one of the foreign languages and the Student Extra-curricular Activity Unit (SKEM). Students with excellent academic potential and high GPA have the chance to graduate in 3.5 years or 7 semesters.

Number of students:
Number of teachers:
Degree earned: S.T. (Undergraduate of Engineering)

BAN-PT (National)

Content : Undergraduate Program (S1) in the Department of Computer Engineering

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