

The ITS Computer Engineering Department is the new name of the ITS Multimedia and Network Department. This change of name was due to changes in the status of ITS as PTNBH and the existence of Permendikbud no. 154 of 2014. At the Minister of Education and Culture, it was said that this change of name did not change the status of accreditation A from this Department. A copy of this rule can be downloaded here.

ITS Multimedia and Network Study Program. declared accredited with value A based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) No. 462 / SK / BAN-PT / Accredited / S / XII / 2014, December 8, 2014.

ITS Computer Engineering Study Program has been declared as a study program with A accreditation (highest accreditation) by BAN-PT Indonesia in 2014. Please download the accreditation certificate here.

Akreditasi Teknik Komputer ITS 2014-2019

Accreditation of ITS Computer Engineering Study Program has been extended as a study program with accreditation A (highest accreditation) by BAN-PT Indonesia in 2020. Please download the accreditation certificate here.

Akreditasi Teknik Komputer ITS 2020-2025

The Department of Computer Engineering has received ASIIN certification, which is valid for a limited time (years 2021-2027). Next, the Department of Computer Engineering is fulfilling ASIIN requirements to get regular ASIIN accreditation (years 2021-2027). Please download the accreditation certificate here.

The Computer Engineering program at ITS meets the requirements for the “Excellent Accreditation” ranking from LAM INFOKOM, effective from December 9, 2024, to December 9, 2029. Please download the accreditation certificate here.

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