The vision of the BoCE is becoming one of the reputable departments on a global scale with the spirit of innovation and creativity in the field of Computer Engineering.
The missions of the study program are the description of the duty, obligation, responsibility, and action plan formulated according to the study program vision that can be used as the basis of Tridharma development which contains educations and teachings, researches and developments, and community service. The mission of BoCE are the following:
BoCE formulated 6 graduates profile or Program Educational Objectives (PEO) according to the Subject Specific Criteria on ASIIN for Electrical Engineering / Informatics Technology (accessible on Those 6 PEOs are the following:
To realize the objective of the ITS Computer Engineering undergraduate study program, targets were set in the form of measurable targets divided into 3 3-year milestones, namely: Strengthening milestone in the 2016 – 2019 period, Recognized milestone in the period 2020-2022, and Go-Global milestone in the period 2023 – 2025. At each milestone several targets were set. To achieve the targets, strategies are needed to achieve the targets in the form of implementing various activities. The effectiveness of the planned strategies are measured by performance indicators. The following sections describe the targets, strategies and performance indicators.
Target Achievement Strategy :
Target Achievement Strategies:
Targets :
Targets Achievement Strategies :
Targets Achievement Strategies:
Targets Achievement Strategies:
Targets Achievement Strategies: