Fakultas Teknologi Elektro dan Informatika Cerdas ITS bekerjasama dengan Departemen Teknik Komputer ITS mengadakan webinar Electics ke 2 pada hari Sabtu, 19 februari 2022 dengan dosen tamu Dr Reza Derakhsani dari Univ Missouri of Kansas City, USA.
Moderator : Mochamad Hariadi, PhD, Kepala Laboratorium Telematika Topik: Biometric Identification, Privacy and Security
Acara akan dibuka oleh Dekan F-ELECTICS, Dr I Ketut Eddy Purnama
On Friday, November 27, 2024, the Department of Computer Engineering at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) held
On Tuesday and Wednesday, November 19-20, 2024, the Department of Computer Engineering and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at
Happy retirement, Profesor Yoyon Thank you very much for all your dedication to ITS, especially to the ITS Computer