UPPS/study program sends an application letter to LAMSAMA via email to sekretariat@lamsama.or.id. The accreditation agency that carries out the accreditation is included in the list of the Director General of Higher Education (DECREE OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE NUMBER 83/P/2021 CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION INSTITUTIONS). UPPS/study program sends the following documents:
(a) accreditation certificate,
(b) complete report on accreditation,
(c) feedback on accreditation results,
(d) UPPS/study program response to feedback on accreditation results.
(e) Study Program completes the supplement according to the LAMSAMA scientific field will process the application no later than 1 month after receiving all the documents.
PTN-BH Quality Assurance National Meeting participants pictured with UNHAS Rector Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa Starting the year 2024, UNHAS through
PENGUMUMAN TENTANG KONSULTASI INSTRUMEN AKREDITASI PROGRAM STUDI EMBA Nomor: 138/DE/A.5/HA.1/IV/2022 Sehubungan dengan dimulainya proses Akreditasi Program Studi (APS) EMBA
Convert International Accreditation to LAMSAMA UPPS/Study Programs that have received international accreditation can apply for conversion to LAMSAMA. Accreditation
LAMEMBA EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT LEXA ACCOUNT ACTIVATION Number: 116/DE/A.5/HA.1/III/2022 In connection with the commencement of the Study Program