PTN-BH Quality Assurance National Meeting participants pictured with UNHAS Rector Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa
PTN-BH Quality Assurance National Meeting participants pictured with UNHAS Rector Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa
Starting the year 2024, UNHAS through the Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development (LPMPP) was asked to host the Second National Meeting on Quality Assurance of Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH) throughout Indonesia. A total of 46 delegates of quality assurance managers from 21 PTN-BH actively participated in this national meeting which lasted for two days, January 11-12, 2024 at UNHAS Hotel and Convention, Makassar.
Head of LPMPP UNHAS Prof. Musrizal Muin delivered a speech in the opening series of the National Meeting of Quality Assurance PTN-BH
The activity began with remarks from the Head of LPMPP UNHAS Prof. Dr. Ir. Musrizal Muin, M.Sc., who welcomed and expressed his welcome to all PTN-BH delegates who attended the meeting. He said that quality assurance institutions have a strategic role in supporting the vision and mission of higher education. Prof. Musrizal revealed that the meeting conducted by 21 PTN-BH throughout Indonesia was the second meeting after in 2023 it had been held by the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) as the host of the activity. This second national meeting aims to follow up on the results of the first national meeting, namely forming a Quality Assurance Network (JPM) of PTN-BH throughout Indonesia, completing the Terms of Reference (KAK), and capturing other important issues related to quality assurance experienced by PTN-BH quality assurance managers. According to him, efforts to improve the quality of education must continue to be implemented through continuous evaluation and adaptation to the latest developments. The results of this second national meeting are expected to be recommendations or solutions in encouraging quality assurance of higher education in Indonesia, “said Prof. Musrizal.
UNHAS Rector Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa opened the PTN-BH Quality Assurance National Meeting event as well as delivering directions for all delegates who attended
The second national meeting of quality assurance of PTN-BH throughout Indonesia was officially opened by the Rector of Hasanuddin University Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc.. The Rector of UNHAS warmly welcomed all participants of the second national meeting of quality assurance of PTN-BH throughout Indonesia and conveyed information about the achievements of UNHAS in carrying out and implementing the vision and mission of UNHAS. In his speech, the Rector of UNHAS said that UNHAS is the only PTN-BH in Eastern Indonesia, making UNHAS a partner university that balances universities in Eastern and Western Indonesia. According to him, through a meeting that presents 46 delegates from 21 PTN-BH will produce ideas and ideas that can produce better quality education in the future. Prof. Jamaluddin said that the presence of all PTN-BH in UNHAS can encourage cooperation and foster the excellence of each university. At the end of his speech, the Rector of UNHAS said that this activity will be submitted to the Rector Forum throughout Indonesia.
Head of the ITB Quality Assurance Unit Prof. Poerbandono reported on the results of the National Quality Assurance Meeting in Bandung in 2023 and the Terms of Reference.
On the first day of the Second National Meeting, all participants discussed the terms of reference (KAK) led by Prof. Ir. Dr.rer.nat. Poerbandono (Chairman of SPM-ITB) and agreed on a name change from the Quality Unit Network (JUM) to the Quality Assurance Network (JPM) PTN-BH which aims to become a forum for the expression of a common attitude in building a culture of quality in higher education and a forum for discussion between quality assurance managers to meet, share, and represent each other. The KAK explains that JPM PTN-BH works independently and voluntarily and makes strategic efforts that provide mutual benefits in building a quality culture of higher education. In its management, JPM PTN-BH is coordinated by a coordinator and assisted by a secretary who is agreed upon during periodic meetings at least once a year. The members of JPM PTNBH consist of quality managers both at the university level and the organs below.
Head of SPM UNPAD Prof. Engkus Kuswarno and several other delegates conveyed strategic issues in quality assurance of higher education, especially in PTN-BH at a session of aspirations in the national meeting
Furthermore, on the second day of the first session, all participants who were leaders and managers of quality assurance from 21 PTN-BH throughout Indonesia expressed their aspirations regarding issues related to quality assurance. The general aspiration summarized was that all universities in Indonesia, especially PTN-BH, are important partners of the government in the implementation of higher education that aspires to grow a culture of quality. Any provisions and arrangements made by the government will have an impact on the outcomes and achievements of higher education itself. Therefore, JPM PTN-BH believes that communication and mutual content between the government and higher education providers will be the best way to encourage the growth of the quality culture itself. In more detail, JPM PTN-BH highlighted several technical issues related to the recognition of international accreditation agencies, the implications of changes in higher education regulations since the enactment of Permendikbudristek No. 53 of 2023, especially graduation requirements, alignment between accreditation, ranking, and performance indicators, and accreditation obligations for vocational programs. In line with that, JPM PTN-BH will actively open communication, especially with accreditation agencies, in this case BAN-PT and LAM and the government to contribute constructive thoughts in such a way as to ensure the growth of a competitive quality culture of Indonesian higher education.
The speakers, from left to right Dr. Siti Julaeha (UT), Prof. Nilda Tri Putri (UNAND), Prof. Suhendrayatna (USK), and Prof. Aulia Siti Aisjah (ITS) shared quality assurance best practices led by Dr. Rini Rachmawaty (UNHAS) sitting on the far right.
On the second day, the second session was a sharing session related to best practices in the quality assurance system at PTN-BH. The speakers who filled the session were Prof. Dr. Ir. Aulia Siti Aisjah, MT (Head of Quality Assurance Office, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology); Prof. Ir. Nilda Tri Putri, M.T., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN Eng. (Head of Quality Assurance Institute, Andalas University); Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhendrayatna, M.Eng. (Head of Education Development and Quality Assurance Institute, Syiah Kuala University); and Dr. Siti Julaeha, M.A. (Head of Quality Assurance Office, Open University). In their presentation, the speakers conveyed the importance of choosing an international accreditation agency based on OECD-UNESCO, the urgency in carrying out UNESCO’s mandate for universities to pay attention to students with disabilities, adjusting SPMI Standards to new policies, and the need for synchronization between PT data and PDDIKTI which sometimes do not match. All important issues related to quality assurance will be discussed further in April 2024 at the Third National Meeting at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) by inviting the BAN-PT Accreditation Council. Furthermore, at the end of the session it was also determined that the organizer for the Fourth National Meeting was Andalas University.
The series of events of the Second National Meeting of Quality Assurance of PTN-BH throughout Indonesia was also accompanied by a welcome dinner and a tour on the Pinisi Pusaka Indonesia Ship and a city tour to several interesting places in the city of Makassar such as Center Point of Indonesia (CPI), 99 Dome Mosque, Fort Rotterdam, and Somba Opu souvenir center.
Source: LPPM Universitas Hasanudin
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