In the 1990s, prior to the establishment of a specialized agency to handle quality assurance, ITS began to develop a basic concept of the importance of maintaining and improving the quality of education on campus. Quality assurance at that time was more informal, with monitoring and quality improvement efforts carried out sporadically and without a structured system. At this time, there was still no special institution or unit that focused on quality assurance as a whole. Most of the efforts related to quality assurance are carried out by existing academic units, such as faculties and study programs, although they do not yet have standard guidelines or systems.
The ITS Quality Assurance Office (KPM ITS) has a more organized and results-oriented structure. Some of the changes and improvements that occurred when LPMP2KI ITS changed to KPM ITS are:
The Quality Assurance Office (QAO) is tasked with overseeing and controlling academic and non-academic quality on sustainably.QAO Functions:
: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Gunani Partiwi, M.T.
: Head of Quality Assurance Office
: Prof. Dr. Eng. Siti Machmudah, S.T., M.Eng.
: Deputy of Quality Assurance for Academics Affairs
: Dr. Kusdianto ST., M.Sc.Eng.
: Deputy of Quality Assurance for Non-Academic Affairs
: Sarah Cahyadini, ST., MT., Ph.D.
: Deputy of Quality Assurance for World Class University
: Fitri Nuraini Setiyowati, S.S.
: Head of QA Administration
: Adam Fahamzah, S.Kom.
: Staff of Learning Development and Education Quality Assurance
: Lintang Dewayani Rahayuning Gusti
: Staff of Research Development and Community Services
: Ika Yulia
: Staff of Financial Quality Assurance
: Isnainy Fitri
: Staff of General Administration
: Niko Dwi Prasetyo
: Staff of Quality Assurance Administration