Quality Assurance

Kantor Penjaminan Mutu
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The second National Quality Assurance Meeting for 21 Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH) throughout Indonesia at Hasanudin University, Makassar

June 05, 2020 08:06:42
Latest News
June 05, 2020 08:06:42

Source : http://dikti.kemdikbud.go.id/pengumuman/buku-panduan-merdeka-belajar-kampus-merdeka/ The following is the link to get the Letter of Learning Period Based on SN Dikti Hopefully useful, and happy working at home. Document.

June 05, 2020 08:06:42

Source : http://dikti.kemdikbud.go.id/pengumuman/buku-panduan-merdeka-belajar-kampus-merdeka/ The following is the link to get the Merdeka Belajar guidebook: Merdeka Campus Hopefully useful, and happy working at home. Document.

June 05, 2020 08:06:42

In accordance with Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 7 Year 2020, concerning the Establishment, Change, Dissolution of State Universities, and Establishment, Amendment, Revocation of Permit for Private

June 05, 2020 08:06:42

Instrument Conversion Supplements to update reaccreditation rankings has been released, to download the instrument documents, please … click the following link.

June 05, 2020 08:06:42

Higher Education Accreditation and Study Programs established by National Higher Education Accreditation (BAN-PT) will be renewed automatically every five years. In addition, tertiary institutions that are accredited B or

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